Tween Hygiene Kit for Boys: The Basic Necessities - Gluesticks Blog (2025)

By Brandy 4 Comments

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Filed Under: Gift Ideas, Motherhood

A simple grooming and hygiene kit for boys with lightly scented bath and body products that are perfect for tween and teenage boys. Grown up enough for the young man that he is without being overpowering. 3 in 1 Body Wash, soap, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, nail clippers, and soap all tucked away in a mini tool caddy. This post contains affiliate links.

Tween Hygiene Kit for Boys: The Basic Necessities - Gluesticks Blog (1)

I am in my 30’s, but I still feel like a young mom. That is, until I look at my (almost) 12 year old son. Then I feel incredibly old and wonder how on earth my baby turned into a handsome young man overnight! He is only a couple of inches shorter than me but wears a bigger shoe size than I do. He’s growing emotionally and physically and is a pretty awesome kid to hang out with. Seriously, the most easy-going boy, and I am so proud of the young man he is becoming. He is in the 5th grade and this is the year that they begin teaching the health units in school. You remember those, right? Where they separate the boys and girls and talk about “the changes”. We didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable or have a lot of questions beforehand so he and Dad had a talk about some of the things that may happen soon and some that he may already be noticing.

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A few months ago he came downstairs, pointed to his nose and said, “What IS THIS?!?!?” That, my child, is a tiny pimple. It has begun. I remember being excited to be old enough to wear deodorant, shave my legs, and wear make-up. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t feel the same way right now so I didn’t want to make it sound like I was getting him a gift… because a hygiene kit is a pretty lame gift. I simply told him that I picked up a few things at the store that I think he might like to use.

What to include in a hygiene kit for boys (tween):


Body Wash


Shower Scrubby

Nail Clippers




Hair gel or balm (my son likes this one)

Other ideas of things to include in a hygiene kit for boys (teen):

Nail Brush


Shave Gel

After Shave Cream

Facial pads (for mild acne)

Tween Hygiene Kit for Boys: The Basic Necessities - Gluesticks Blog (3)

First things first: deodorant for the days he has P.E. at school or feels like he may smell a little musty, and some new soap and body wash. He has outgrown the fruity kid soaps but doesn’t need cologne or anything overpowering. So I got him a 3 in 1 Body + Hair + Face Wash. I also got him a 3 pack of soap bars (Exfoliating and Hydrating), and a Hydrating Body Wash so that he can choose what he would like to use. They all smell fantastic and aren’t too strong. I went with the same brand to keep the scents similar, but there are many brands out there with pleasant scents that would be perfect for this hygiene kit for boys.

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I tucked everything into a mini tool caddy so that he can keep it separate from the bath toys and other kiddie things in the bathroom. It will also make a great travel caddy for when he goes on trips.

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What was his reaction? When I handed it to him and explained what it was he said, “Ok, can I use it today?” No awkwardness whatsoever. There are many changes that will happen these next few years and I hope he always knows that he can come to us with any questions he may have.

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Welcome! I'm Brandy, mother to 5 darling kiddos and a cute black lab named Toby. My husband is in the Coast Guard so we've lived all over the place, turning each house into a home. I love baking, sewing, making cute things with my kids, and sharing what I've learned with all of you!


Tween Hygiene Kit for Boys: The Basic Necessities - Gluesticks Blog (10)

About Brandy

Welcome! I'm Brandy, mother to 5 darling kiddos and a cute black lab named Toby. My husband is in the Coast Guard so we've lived all over the place, turning each house into a home. I love baking, sewing, making cute things with my kids, and sharing what I've learned with all of you!

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Reader Interactions


  1. Tween Hygiene Kit for Boys: The Basic Necessities - Gluesticks Blog (11)Lynda MacKenzie says

    How can I order this kit?


    • Tween Hygiene Kit for Boys: The Basic Necessities - Gluesticks Blog (12)Brandy says

      Hi Lynda! I put this kit together with items that I purchased at my local grocery store. You can order the little caddy here:


  2. Tween Hygiene Kit for Boys: The Basic Necessities - Gluesticks Blog (13)Diana Howell says

    Thanks so much for this idea! I’ve looked everywhere for an adolescents’ grooming kit but they’re all geared for older men with shaving stuffs etc. I probably won’t find Irish Spring where I am but I now know what to look for. Thanks again, advice much appreciated!


  3. Tween Hygiene Kit for Boys: The Basic Necessities - Gluesticks Blog (14)Summer Davis says

    I have a 13 year old son and it’s crazy how badly they smell when they start hitting that puberty age. I feel like a young mom too, I’m not sure how I have a 13 year old, crazy. Love the hygiene kit! That tool bag is pretty awesome. #client


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Tween Hygiene Kit for Boys: The Basic Necessities - Gluesticks Blog (2025)


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