November 27
8 BCE: Horace, the Roman poet who created “The Jew Apella” passed awaytoday.
176: Emperor Marcus Aurelius grant his son Commodus the rank of Imperatorand makes him Supreme Commander of the Roman legions. To the world at largeMarcus Aurelius was “the philosopher-king” or “philosophical but impractical”ruler, but to the Jews he was just Roman emperor who held them in contemptdescribing them as “’Stinking and tumultuous!’” to his companions as hetraveled through Judea. The dissolute nature of Commodus has become well knownto all through the film “Gladiator.” Commodus showed his ineptitude in hisfailed attempt to defeat the Parthians, Rome’s eastern enemy whose empirereached to the borders of Palestine.Unable to defeat an armed enemy in the field, Commodus began freshpersecutions of the Jews living there denying them, among other things, theright to use their courts of justice.
602:Maurice, the Emperor of the Byzantine Emperor who in 592 punished “the entireJewish community of Antioch after a Jew violated one his laws” passed awaytoday
1095: First Crusade proclaimed by the Council of Clermont. By now everybodyshould be aware of the fact that the Crusades ushered in a period of death anddestruction for the Jews of Europe and Eretz Israel.
1096: Following the Battle of Alcoraz in which the Zaragozan forces weredefeated, Peter I conquered Huesca.
1198(26th of Kislev, 4959): Rabbeinu Abraham ben David known bythe abberviation RABaD (for Rabbeinu Abraham ben David) passed away. Born in Provence, France in 1125, he was aProvençal rabbi, a great commentator on the Talmud, Sefer Halachot of RabbiYitzhak Alfasi and Mishne Torah of Maimonides, and is regarded as a father ofKabbalah and one of the key and important links in the chain of Jewish mystics
1308: Henry VII who “was presented with a scroll of the Law by a delegationof Jews from Rome which had gone to meet him began” began his reign as King ofthe Romans
1614: In Frankfurt, Vincenz Fettmilch, the ringleader of the FettmilchRising during which the Judengasse was attacked looted, was arrested along with38 of his followers and “charged for their persecution of the Jews.” (They would eventually be executed. The authorities really were not upset abouthis attack on the Jews. What got himinto trouble was when he was perceived as a threat to the emperor and theruling order.
1688 (4th of Kislev): Rabbi Elijah Kovo of Salonika, author of AderetEliyahu, passed away
1703: In New York City, Etienne de Lancy, the Caen born son of Margueriteand Jacques de Lancy, and his wife Anna de Lancy gave birth to Colonel James deLancy , the acting Governor of New York.
1710: Birthdate of Robert Lowth, the Bishop of the Church of England who1754 was awarded a Doctorate in Divinity by Oxford University, for his treatiseon Hebrew poetry entitled PraelectionesAcademicae de Sacra Poesi Hebraeorum (On the Sacred Poetry of theHebrews) which derives from a series of lectures that were published byGeorge Gregory in 1787 as "Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of theHebrews".
1744: The plundering of the Prague Ghetto and the “Tandelmarkt” began today.
1755: An English merchant namedJoseph Salvador bought 10,000 acres near Fort Ninety-Six, in the southern partof the Carolina Colony. In 1773, Joseph Salvador would send his nephew FrancisSalvador to South Carolina to develop the land as an indigo plantation. At the outbreak of the American Revolutionthe wealthy young aristocrat joined the fight for independence. He died of wounds in August of 1776 whilefighting the Cherokee allies of the British.The following words were etched on his tombstone: Born an aristocrat hebecame a democrat, An Englishman he cast his lot with America; True to hisancient faith, he gave his life for new hopes of liberty and humanunderstanding.”
1757: Birthdate of William Blake,English poet, painter and printmaker. Controversy surrounds Blake’s grasp of Jewish mysticism. It seems prettyclear that Blake’s art and writing invoke Kabbalah, but scholars debate howBlake accessed the Jewish mystical concepts he quoted. Some argue that thedozen or so Hebrew inscriptions in Blake’s etchings and watercolors show thatBlake was fluent in Hebrew. But close analysis of the works, some of which areon exhibit at The Morgan Library & Museum, reveals that Blake had not evenmastered the letter alef. Reading Kabbalah in Hebrew without knowing the firstletter of the alef-bet would be as implausible as tackling “Finnegans Wake”with barely a grasp of the English alphabet. Arguments that Blake knew Hebrewdate back to Frederick Tatham, who cared for Catherine after Blake’s death in1827. In a letter to bookseller Frances Harvey, Tatham said that Blake’slibrary included “well thumbed” books in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French andItalian, as well as works by Swedenborg and Christian mystic Jacob Boehme. “Hisknowledge was immense, his industry beyond parallel,” Tatham wrote. Modernscholars echo Tatham’s claim. Writing in the journal Modern Philology in 1951,David V. Erdman ascribed “some Hebrew” to Blake, particularly the knowledgethat beth-lehem means “house of bread.” “We know that Blake knew a littleHebrew,” Anthony Blunt agreed, writing in the Journal of the Warburg andCourtauld Institutes in 1943, “for he wrote to his brother in 1803 that he waslearning the Hebrew alphabet, and his etching of the Laocoön [a copy of thesculpture “Laocoön and His Sons”] bears a few words in Hebrew script.” In hisbook “The New Apocalypse: The Radical Christian Vision of William Blake (TheDavies Group, Publishers, 2000), Thomas J. J. Altizer suggests not only thatBlake knew Hebrew, but also that he was self-taught.But the work that Bluntcites as proof of Blake’s proficiency in Hebrew, “Laocoön” — a circa 1820 printdepicting snakes strangling the famous Trojan priest and his two sons — is oneof the best pieces of evidence that Blake did not know Hebrew. Writing “malakhJehovah,” which he translated as “The Angel of the Divine Presence,” Blakeinadvertently rotated the alef 90 degrees on its y-axis. He spelled “Lilit”(Lilith) correctly, but he miswrote “Jeshua” (Jesus) with another rotatedletter, this time an ayin (the 16th letter). “Laocoön” does not appear in theMorgan show, but an etching from Blake’s Job series does. In an etching fromBlake’s Job series, the artist again wrote “The Angel of the Divine Presence,”but this time he wrote the Hebrew “melekh Jehovah,” which means King Jehovah,rather than malakh (with an alef), the Angel of Jehovah. In “William Blake’sIllustrations of the Book of Job,” S. Foster Damon says that Blakeintentionally removed the alef to show that Job was worshipping a false God —mistaking an angel for the king. But could Blake really have known enoughHebrew to distinguish between “melekh” and “malakh,” when he revealed in“Laocoön” that he didn’t even know how to form the letter properly? “Job’s Evil Dreams,” features a beardedfigure with hooves encircled by a snake. The figure hovers above a recliningman and points with its right index finger to the Ten Commandments. ThoughBlake wrote out only two of the commandments in full, the inscriptions containmore than a dozen mistakes. One line contains a properly and an improperlyformed alef, a further inconsistency suggesting that Blake was copying a languagehe did not understand. “Blake did study Hebrew with his one-time patron,William Hayley, but scholars are not agreed about his proficiency in thelanguage,” explained Leslie Tannenbaum, associate professor of English at OhioState University and author of “Biblical Tradition in William Blake’s EarlyProphecies: The Great Code of Art” (Princeton University Press, 1982).According to Tannenbaum, the late Gerald Bentley, a Blake scholar who taught atPrinceton University, implied in a biography that Blake was “fairly fluent” inHebrew. But Tannenbaum also notes that Sheila A. Spector, whom he describes as“an extremely meticulous scholar and expert on Blake and the Kabbalah,” writesthat Blake did not know the biblical language.In Blake’s preface to the chapter“To the Jews,” from the poem “Jerusalem,” Tannenbaum sees references to thekabbalistic concept of Adam Kadmon (the primordial man). Blake learned Kabbalahfrom Swedenborg’s writings on Boehme, who seems to have been influenced byBalthasar Walther, Tannenbaum adds, and Blake also identified with the AvignonSociety, which sought science and reason “in such unlikely places as alchemicallore, cabbalistic numerology, mesmerist séances, Swedenborgian spiritualism,and (perhaps most surprising of all) the Scriptures.” In “Wonders Divine: The Developmentof Blake’s Kabbalistic Myth” (Bucknell University Press, 2001) Spector, anadjunct associate professor at New York University, agrees that Blake’skabbalistic sources were Christian rather than Jewish, and English rather thanHebrew. Further, Blake was “unfortunately” influenced by his contemporaryAnglo-Israelites, who thought that English derived from Hebrew “and that thelanguage of the Jews was a spurious version in which the rabbis obscured the‘true Christian’ message to be found in the Bible,” Spector said.“Under thecircumstances, the question of whether or not Blake was fluent in Hebrew missesthe point,” she added. “He rejected normative Hebrew in favor of the linguisticgymnastics that re-interpreted words to conform with some eccentric – to becharitable – interpretations that coordinated Hebrew and English, as well asGreek, etymologies to proffer a new interpretation of Scripture.” (As reportedby Menachem Wecker)
1774(24th of Kislev,5535): Kindle the first light of Channukah
1780: Birthdate of Bavaria native“Leser Lazarus Oschsenhorn,” the husband of Nanette Wexler with whom he had sixchildren, several of whom shortened the family name to Ochs when the settledvariously in Chattanooga, Brooklyn, Louisville and San Francisco.
1785(25th of Kislev,5546): Channukah
1791(1st of Kislev,5552): Rosh Chodesh Kislev
1798 (19th of Kislev, 5559): RabbiShneur Zalman founder of Chabad Lubavitch was released from a St Petersburgjail. He had been arrested on charges of high treason for allegedly sendingmoney to the Czar’s enemy, the Sultan of Turkey. In reality he was sendingmoney to Jews living in Eretz Israel which was part of Turkey at the time. Shneur Zalman is the author of two worksTanya and Likkute Torah which describe the philosophy of the Chabadmovement. Chabad is an acronym for theHebrew words Chokhmah (wisdom), Binah (understanding) and Da’at (Wisdom). Lubavitch is the name of the town in whichthe Descendants of Dov Baer, the Maggid of Mezhirech, Shneur Zalman’s “teacher”settled. In 1798, November 27corresponded to the 19th day of Kislev. Ever since then Chabad Lubavitchers mark YUD-TETKISLEV (19th of Kislev) as day of joy and celebration.
1798: Rabbi Dovber Schneuri, the second Rebbe of the Chabad Hasidic dynastyand wife gave birth to Rebbetzin Menucha Rochel Slonim, the granddaughter ofRabbi Shneur Zalmin of Liado.
1804: Birthdate of Sir Julius Benedict, the German born highly successfulEnglish composer and conductor who was knighted in 1871.
1804(24th of Kislev, 5565): Kinlde the first Channukah light
1804: While serving in the United States Navy, today, Gershom R. Jacques waspromoted from “Surgeon’s Mate” to “Surgeon.”
1814: Judah Elias Piza and Rachel Piza, the parents of David and Elias Pizawere married today.
1815: Birthdate of Simon Hock, the Prague born businessman who created ahistory of the Jews of Bohemia.
1819: Leopold Zuns and EduardGans founded the Verein fuer Cultur undWissenschaft der Juden, (The Society for Culture and Science ofJudaism). It delved into Jewish history, culture and literature usingscientific methods of criticism and assessment. The Society lasted less thanfive years. Gans and many others converted to Christianity.
1823(24th of Kislev, 5584): Kindle the first Channukah light.
1830: Joseph Mérilhou, the French official who successfully got the Deputiesto adopt legislation treating Judaism on equal footing with Christianity whenit came to public financial support for synagogues and rabbis completed histerm as Minister of Public Education.
1834: Birthdate of Michael Bernays, the Hamburg born lawyer who displayed anexpertise in matters pertaining to Shakespeare and Beethoven and who unlike hisbrother Jakob, converted to Christianity.
1836: Birthdate of Silesia native and 1859 graduate of University of Berlin WilhelmEbstein, M.D.. the physician at Allerheiligen Hospital in Breslau and the professorat Gottingen University as well as the director of the university hospital anddispensary whose “specialties were malassimilation and defective nutrition.
1837: Birthdate of Ludwig Loewe, who began as manufacturer of sewingmachines and then became major arms maker whose employees included Georg Luger,the inventor of the famous “Luger” pistol.
1839: In Charleston, SC, Rabbi Poznanski officiated at the marriage of JacobSuares and Isabella Nathans.
1839: In New Orleans, Samuel Lyons Moss, the Philadelpelphia born son ofRebeca Lyons and John Moss and his wife Isabelle Moss gave birth to ErnestGoodman Moss.
1840: Birthdate of Clara Jolles, the wife of Lazar Schorstein and the motherof Gustave Isidore Schorstein; Thérèse Alice Montefiore and Bertha VictoriaShorstone.
1841(14th of Kislev, 5602): Parshat Vayishlach
1841(14th of Kislev, 5602): Sixty-one-year-old Esther Isaacs, thedaughter of Moses Isaacs and the wife of Isaac Moses passed away today in NewYork.
1842(24th of Kislev, 5603): Kindle the first Chanukah light.
1844: Five days after she had passed away in Paris, 32-year-old Mary(Montefiore) Mocatta, the wife of Benjamin Mocatta, was buried today “BallsPond Road Jewish Cemetery.”
1846: A wagon train owned and commanded by Albert Speyer, a Prussian bornJew, arrived at San Juan de los Lagos,Mexico, in time for the pre-Christmas fair where he sold his merchandize,“reloaded the wagons with Mexican goods – mainly silver curios and sugar – andreturned to Chihuahua” Mexico.
1847: In Poland Israel and Gertrude Zloto “Yetta” Friedman Guranowsky gave birthto future Rabbi Abraham Guranowsky, the husband of Bertha Guranowsky became theleader of Congregation Emunath Israel starting in 1878. (Some sources show December21)
1853: In London, Catherine Barnett and David Jonas gave birth to ElizabethJonas, the wife of Edward Joseph.
1853: An editorial entitled “The Arrest of Rabbi Asche” published todayquestioned the methods used by the authorities when they arrested Rabbi Ascheand two other Jews on charges of selling lottery tickets. The editorial supported the concept of lawand order but thought the police could have used better judgment in exercisingtheir authority.
1855(17th of Kislev, 5616): Fifty-year-old University of Pennsylvaniatrained medical doctor and assistant surgeon in the United States Army, PhilipMinis, the Savannah, GA born son of Dinah Cohen and Isaac Minis and the husbandof Sarah Augusta Livingston with whom he had eight children – Alice, Leila,Charles, Annie, May, Philip, John and Augusta – who shot James Stark in a duelin 1832 after Stark had made anti-Semitic remarks including calling Minis a “damnedJew” who “ought to be pissed on” passed away today in Baltimore after which hewas “interred in Savannah's Laurel Grove Cemetery.”
1856; In London, Judah Cohen and Caroline Davis gave birth to Robert I.Cohen, a product of Westminster Jew’s School and husband of Agnes Lord whosettled in Galveston, TX where he was a director of the Chamber of Commerce andPresident of Congregation B’nai Israel.
1856:Proof of the role of Jews played in settling the American Frontier can be foundin the letters Thomas Gladstone sent to the London Times excerpts ofwhich were published today. Indescribing those traveling up the Missouri River Gladstone reports that hisfellow passengers included “Border Ruffians, Abolitionists…Jews” and others who“completely” represent “the various classes of the population in Kansas.”
1858:It was reported today that two New York Rabbis have been arrested on charges ofselling lottery tickets based on the charges brought by one of theirco-religionists.
1860: In Paris, there are reports of a serious rift between Achille Fould,the Jewish financier who is a close advisor to Emperor Napoleon, and theEmpress.
1861(24th of Kislev, 5622): Kindle the first Chanukah light.
1861: Seventy-seven-year-old Jeanette Wohl the confidant of Ludwig Borne,the German Jewish writer who like so many of his contemporaries became aLutheran but was not above characterizing his rival Heine as “a yeshivastudent” whom he accused of “the Jewish trait of employing witticisms for theirown sake,”
1863: Jacob Miller was wounded at Mine Run, VA, while serving at the 60thRegiment of the Third Cavalry.
1863: At the Wooster-street Synagogue,Thanksgiving Day services were held at 3 o'clock, embracing the usual afternoonprayers, conducted by Rabbi S.M. Isaacs the Prayer for the Government andappropriate hymns, after which an address was delivered by Meyer S. Isaacs, theRabbi’s son He commenced with a reference to the peculiar significance of thepresent day of thanksgiving, observed as it was by all Americans, whereverresident, in response to the recommendation of the Executive. It was a grandspectacle, an entire nation united in offering up incense on an altar of areligion all alike profess -- thanksgiving and praise to the Supreme Being.Divesting themselves of social, political and religious distinctions, superiorto the division of sentiment engendered by sectional ideas and antagonistictheories, they assembled in their respective places of worship, to pour forthpraises to Him enthroned on hish. Actuated by these considerations, hisaudience had gathered together in their house of God, that they too might joinin the grand anthem swelling upward to celestial heights. Israelite andChristian grasped each other's hand in cordial confidence, working together,fighting together the battles of the Union, pouring their blood on thebattle-field in friendly rivalry for country's sake. There was no trace ofreligious intolerance or sectional feeling in the proclamation of the day; wewere called upon to observe it as Americans, acknowledging special obligationsto Heaven for the providences so graciously displayed in the progress of ourstruggle for national existence, and not unmindful of His divine favor in thedaily blessings unintermittingly showered upon us, whose value we often fail todiiscern until we are deprived of them. He then took his text from Psalm c.,verses 4 and 5, discussing it from its various points of view, and earnestlydirecting attention to the necessity of sincerity in this observance ofNational Thanksgiving. The stake was too mighty a one to permit even thesemblance of insincerity in the history we were making, in our protestations ofpatriotism. It is understood now, that our love of country is not purelyromantic, but that we were in earnest in our expressions of determination toreestablish the national supremacy, to permit no armed assemblage, howeverformidable, however desperate, to maintain an eternal antagonism to theconstituted authorities. Were we equallysincere in our observance of Thanksgiving, in our expressions of dependenceupon God, of our own unworthiness and His eternal goodness and truth? This wasto be the lesson of the day. He then illustrated his text by a reference to thepeculiar benefits the Israelites of America enjoy in this land of thoroughcivil and religious liberty. We should enter His gates with thanksgiving, Hiscourts with praise, "for here there was no distinction recognized betweenJew and Gentile in the guaranty by the Constitution of protection in theenjoyment of the sacred rights of man.Returning to the broader view of the subject, as Americans, we shouldsignalize the sincerity of this observance by an amendment in those respectswhere we acknowledge national faults. Although we have demonstrated a stauncherpatriotism than we ourselves believed to be inherent in American character,there may be more sacrifices to make, more selfish considerations to combat,more errors of administration to deplore and divest of their apparent danger tothe State by a confirmed determination to strengthen the hand of those we havechosen to preside over our national destinies. In conclusion, he spoke of thefavorable prospect before us, as contrasted with the gloom, astonishment anddespondency at the culmination of the preparation for the war upon our flag.The ship of state, madly tossed upon an unknown sea, exposed to the dangers ofthe warring elements, her pilots surrendered to the guilt of the hour or sadlyinexperienced, was now sailing majestically into a safe harbor, a clear headand a steady hand at the helm; but God be thanked for this great salvation --no human wisdom or power hath accomplished this. He closed with a fervent prayer for thecontinuance of Divine favor to the land, and its speedy restoration to peaceand prosperity.
1864: In Berdychiv, Berdychiv Raion,Zhytomyrskа, Ukraine, Yaakov Dov Esterson and Rachel Bracha Buchalter Estersongave birth to Baltimore resident Joseph Esterson, the husband of RebeccaFantich Esterson and the father of Jacob, Albert, Maurice, Martin, Julius Rose,Louis, Dr. Sidney, Bessie and Sarah Esterson
1867(29th of Cheshvan, 5628): Forty-five-year-oldAugust Abraham Josephson, the Stockholm born son of Salomon Josephson and BeataLevin and Husband of Augusta Hortensia Jacobsson with whom he had threechildren passed away today in his home town.
1867: In New York, the former MariaPhillips and David Davis the owner of the Washington Rubber Company gave birthto real estate mogul J. Clarence Davis, vice president of the West EndSynagogue, director of the Bronx YMHA and patron of the arts who donated hiscollection the Museum of the City of New York
1868: The Philadelphia “Press” publishedan abstract of the Thanksgiving Day Sermon delivered by Rabbi Jastrow atCongregation Rodef Shalom.
1870: Birthdate of Emil Corckin, thehusband of Sadie Jacobs Crockin and the “father of Mrs. Irving Goldstein.
1871: “A Tolerant City” published todayquotes the Jewish Chronicle as saying that “Ireland is the only country whereJews were never persecuted.” As proof ofIrish tolerance, the Chronicle cites the case of a young Jewess named MissSamuel, who, when she was on her death bed was the object of prayers ofrecovery offered both in Jewish synagogues and Christian Chapels. Her funeral included thirty carriages thatwere filled with citizens of both faiths.
1872: Two days after he had passed away,62-year-old Hyam Levy, the husband of the former Frances Naphtali with whom hehad had six children was buried today at “West Ham Jewish Cemetery” onBuckingham Road.”
1873: The Charity Committee of the HebrewBenevolent and Orphan Asylum has asked that an appeal be made during today’sThanksgiving Day services for contributions of money, clothing and other itemsthat can be used to aid Jews who are economically distressed due to the currentdepressed economy.
1874: Solomon and Babette Levy Kern gave birth to Spanish American Warveteran Joseph Kern, the Louisiana resident and husband of Clara Bloch Kernwith whom he had two children – Nathan and Joseph.
1874: In Motal, Belarus, timber merchant Ozier Weizmann and Rachel Czemerinsky gave birth to Zionist leader andIsrael’s first President Chaim Weizmann who first gained fame as theRussian-British chemist who used bacteria for the synthesis of organicchemicals. During WW I, a recent immigrant into Great Britain, he discovered away to use a bacterium to synthesize acetone during the fermentation of grain.Acetone was important in the manufacture of cordite for explosives. Postwar, hemodified the fermentation to produce butyl alcohol, suitable for uses such aslacquers. This was the forerunner of the deliberate use of microorganisms for awide variety of syntheses. A generation later, penicillin and vitamin B12 wereproduced in this way.
1876:Birthdate of Harvard alum Simon J. Lubin the Sacramento, CA born son of DavidLubin and the nephew of Harris Weinstock who founded Lubin and Weinstock “thelargest department store” in that city and the husband of Rebecca Cohen withwhom he had three children – David, Ruth and Miriam.;titlesAZ=s;idT=UCb183294993
1876:In New York City “Isidor and Ida (Blun) Straus gave birth to the Harvardeducated R.H. Macy and Co vice president Percy Selden, the husband of EdithAbraham who was active in several civic and philanthropic organizations as canbe seen by his service as President of the Jewish Agricultural Society andChairman of the Business Men’s Council of the Federation of JewishPhilanthropic Societies of New York City.
1877: In Hungary, Eliyahu Menachem Goitein, the son of Zvi (Armin) HirschGoitein and Szali (Sara) Sarolta Goitein and his wife Amalia Mahala Goitein gave birth to JosephSalomon Goitein
1878: In Sumter, SC, Rabbi E.S. Levy officiated at the wedding of A. De LeonMoses of Burke Country, GA and Eliza Cohen, the daughter daughter of Max Cohenwho used to live in Charleston, SC.
1879: Dr. Henry W. Bellows, a prominent Unitarian Minister, delivered theThanksgiving Day Sermon at Temple Emanu-El, the New York Jewish house ofworship led by Rabbi Gustav Gottheil
1880(24th of Kislev, 5641): In the evening kindle the first lightof Chanukah.
1880: The New York Times reported today that “the celebration of the Jewishfeast of ‘Chanuka’ will be commenced this evening by the Children of Israelthroughout the world.” The Times goes on to provide an accurate description ofthe origins of the holiday and its modern observance including the fact thatthe events celebrated began “on the 25th day of the month ofKislev.” (This was written 15 years before the Ochs family acquired the paper)
1880: The Young Men’s Hebrew Association hosted its “fourth entertainment”of the season tonight at Lyric Hall.
1881: On day after she had passed away, 72-year-old Sophia Ford, the wifeAmsterdam native Charles Ford and more of Henry and Rose Ford was buried todayat the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”
1881: At Rostov-on –Don Isaiah and Feodosia Chatzman gave birth to theirdaughter Vera, the future wife of Chaim Wiezmann, who was a leading Zionist inher own right. (As reported by Esther Carmel-Hakim)
1881: A meeting was held this morning at the Hebrew Orphan Asylum to discussadditional measures to be taken to meet the growing influx of Jewish immigrantsfrom Russia which is overwhelming the resources of the United HebrewCharities. One solution is to establish“farming colonies” which will provide a livelihood for the impoverished newarrivals and avoid population congestion in a few east coast cities.
1882: A review of Natural Religion by Sir John Robert Seeley, the author ofEcce Homo, cites the author’s contention that “the Hebrew Scriptures express inpoetic form and in language suited another age the spirit of modern science. Notably the Book of Job contrasts theconventional and, as it were, orthodox view of the universe with the view whichthose obtain who are prepared to face it awfulness directly.” (Editor’s note –this comes at a time when there was a clash between science and religion so itis intriguing that an English author would find a harmony between the two inthe Jewish section of his Bible.)
1882(16th of Kislev, 5643): Sixty-two-year-old Moses Soave,Italian “Hebraist” who “supported himself as tutor for Venetian Jewishfamilies” while writing biographies of several Italian Jews including SaraCopia Sullam, Amatus Lusitanus, Abraham de Balmes, Shabbethai Donnolo and Leonde Modena passed awat today.
1883: “Clothing merchant” Simon Mandel, a resident of Merrill, Wisconsin andCarrie Mandel gave birth to Milton Simon Mandel who settled in New York wherehe registered for the Draft during WW I, married his wife Helen and becamewholesale fur merchant as a partner in Mandel and Weinblatt located on West 27thStreet.
1883: “Hen” Rice, who had been a Deputy Sherriff is New York is being heldon charges that he won $2,700 from Robert Solomon, an Anglo-Jewish diamonddealer, by cheating at card games they played while crossing from England tothe United States aboard the SS Servia.
1883: “Russian-Hebrew Colony Broken Up” published today provided a briefhistory of an agricultural colony that had been established for Jewishimmigrants from Russia in Middlesex County, Va.Despite the contribution of several thousands of dollars from the Jewishcommunity in Baltimore, MD, the experiment failed. One family has asked to be sent back toRussia while the remaining men have been provide with jobs and several of thewomen are being taught to use sewing machines.The Torah used by the colonists will be returned to the Hebrew HospitalAssociation which had lent it the newcomers.
1883: It was reported today that Herr Haumann one of the lawyers whorepresented the Jews unfairly charged with the ritual murder of Christian girlin Hungary, fought a duel with Herr Vay, the Police Commissioner. The sword fight, during which Vay was“severely wounded in the chest,” resulted from the attorney’s accusation thatthe Police Commissioner had tortured the Jewish prisoners.
1885: “Judaism of the Future” published today provided a summary of RabbiKaufmann Kohler’s view of the principles adopted by Reform rabbis at theirmeeting in Pittsburgh. He described itas a “Jewish Declaration of Independence” which no longer looks to the memoriesof ancient Israel, rejects tradition “but recognizes in Christianity andIslamism valuable helpers and co-workers in the direction of the fruition ofthe kingdom of virtue and truth.”(Editor’s note – one cannot help but wonder what Rabbi Kohler would haveto say about the Reform movement in the 21st century)
1885: In Austro-Hungary, GertrudeSegal and Rabbi Moses Reichle gave birth to University of Cincinnati graduateand HUC trained rabbi, Max Reichler, the husband of Edith Maisner and author ofsuch works as Jewish Eugenics and The Jewish Conception of Justice who beganhis rabbi career at Temple Beth-El in Helena, AR and eventually “sent to NewYork by the Union of American Hebrew Congregation to organize a reformcongregation in the Bronx which led to the founding of Sinai Congregation inthe Bronx.
1887: In Bialystok, Leah Zuro andLouis Zuro “a Russian immigrant who became a producer of opera” gave birth toJosiah Zuro the American “music director for the Pathe Motion Picture Studio”who conducted numerous symphony orchestras and “organized his own opera companyknown as the Zuro Opera Company.”
1887: In Great Britain, “Isaac AsherIsaacs and Hannah Zylberlast Isaacs” gave birth to Estelle Stella Isaacs whobecame Estelle Stella Jacobs when she married “Alexander Susman Susman Jacobs.”
1888: Today marks the second day ofthe fair sponsored by the Hebrew Orphan Asylum which is an annual fundraiserfor this Jewish organization.
1888: The will of Moss Abadee, thehusband of Kate Abadee was probated today.
1888: It was reported today that anew congregation “Zichron Osher” has been established on the west side of NewYork. Joseph Arthur Levy was the founder of the synagogue whose services willinclude congregational singing and the use of English for some of theprayers. Rabbi H. Veld will lead the newcongregation assisted by Rabbi J.I. De Young.
1889: It was reported today the United Hebrew Charities will be hosting aThanksgiving Dinner this week
1890: At 3 p.m. the boys of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum held their annualparade” today, marching through the streets of Harlem.
1890(15th of Kislev, 5651): Seventy-two-year-old Louis Berkowitz,the husband of Henrietta Jaruslawski Berkowitz and father of Sarah, Benjamin,Albert, Henry, Rose, William and Maurice Berkowitz passed away today afterwhich he was buried at Elmwood Cemetery in Kansas City, MO.
1890: Birthdate of New York City native and Boston University trainedattorney Samuel Barnett who was a county court judge in Massachusetts and anactive Zionist
1891: In New York, Sarah Bernhardt appeared in the opening performance of“Pauline Blanchard” at the Standard Theatre.
1892: The Maccabeans, An Aggressive Club” published today described theformation of this club by London’s Jews in the wake of the Russian persecutionof their co-religionists. “The meetings of the Maccabeans afford somethingquite novel to English Judaism – an arena in which all the social, ethical andtheological questions which are bubbling so vehemently in the Jewish mind canbe thrashed out freely and without prejudice.”
1892: The members of Shaary Zedek voted not to remove the bodies from thecongregation’s old cemetery on 88th Street between Park and Madisonand reinter them in the new Bay Side Cemetery on Long Island
1892: It was reported today thatHerman Ahlwardt, who is in jail because he was convicted of libeling a Jewishgun-making firm and is such “a shameless rogue” that he has been publiclydisowned by “the anti-Semitic Party won a seat in the Reichstag by-electionrunning three thousand votes ahead of his nearest opponent with campaign cry of“Down with the Jews.!”
1893: Twenty-year-old Yiddish author and playwright Leon Kobrin, the Russianborn son of Raphael an Rachel Lea Kobrin who came to the United States in 1892married Pauline Segal today in Philadelphia.
1893: Seventy-eight-year-old Sebastian Brunner, the Austrian Catholic writerwho was part of a group 19th authors whose “anti-Jewish propagandahad no equal…either for quantity or virulence and who was part of the infamouslibel charges brought against Ignaz Kuranda and Heinrich Graetz passed awaytoday.
1894: In Paris, the Grand Rabbipreached a lengthy sermon at a well-attended service during which he “laudedAlexander III’s peace and exhorted all to pray for his soul as well as for hissuccessor Czar Nicholas, his wife and all their relatives.”
1894: In Philadelphia, Clara Landmanand Albert Berkowitz gave birth to University of Cincinnati graduate and HUCtrained rabbi Henry Joseph Berkowitz who served as U.S. Navy chaplain in WW IIand as the rabbi for Temple Beth Israel in Portland, OR from 1928 until hisdeath in 1949.
1894: The bequests of the lateAdolph Bernheimer published today included “$10,000 in 3 per cent bonds” to theHebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum and Mount Sinai Hospital.
1895: In St. Louis, Caroline andJoseph Lazarus Kranson gave birth to Julius Kranson
1895: In a change of policy, it wasreported today that “a recent Ministerial order in Russia, Jews living in theinterior who have been members of a first-class guild for five years arepermitted to retain a permanent domicile in the place of their presenthabitation and this privilege will extend to their children.”
1895 Alfred Nobel established NobelPrize. “At least 167 Jews and persons of half-Jewishancestry have been awarded the Nobel Prize, accounting for 22% of allindividual recipients worldwide between 1901 and 2004, and constituting 37% ofall US recipients during the same period. In the scientific researchfields of Chemistry, Economics, Medicine, and Physics, the corresponding worldand U.S. percentages are 26% and 39%, respectively. (Jews currently makeup approximately 0.25% of the world's population and 2% of the US population.)
·Chemistry (28 prize winners, 19% of world total, 28% of US total)
·Economics (21 prize winners, 38% of world total, 53% of US total)
·Literature (12 prize winners, 12% of world total, 27% of US total)
·Physiology or Medicine (52 prize winners, 29% of world total, 42% of US total)
·Peace (9 prize winners, 10% of world total, 11% of US total)
·Physics (45 prize winners, 26% of world total, 38% of US total)
1896: Frank Rorschach who served aboard the Puritan during the SpanishAmerican War was appointed from Kansas today.
1896: Birthdate of Alexader Ubushone, the native of “the Ukrainian shtetl ofTalne, who gained fame as “leader Charles S. Zimmerman.” (As reported by JosephB. Treaster)
1896(22nd of Kislev, 5657): Rav Israel Jaffe passed away today
1897: The Young Folks’ League of the Hebrew Infant Asylum will host a dancetonight at Terrace Garden.
1897: Following an anonymous tip, a Commissaire of Police “made of thoroughsearch” at 3 Rue Yvon-Villareau in Paris where he was told to look for“interesting documents concerning the Dreyfus case. The apartments wereoccupied by Lt. Col. Picquart and what he found was not revealed to the public.
1897: Authorities searched for Madame de Boulancy, the cousin and formermistress of Ferdinand Esterhazy.
1897: Kosher food producer Frederick “Fred” Margareten, the Hungarian bornson of Julia Yetta and Rabbi Yoel Margarten and his wife Regina Margareten gavebirth to Selma Margareten.
1898: In Charleston, SC, Rabbi B.A. Elzas officiated at the marriage ofLouis Flanders and Jeannette Wetherhorn.
1898: In Chicago, $10,230 was raised during the auction of the boxes for thecharity ball being held by the Young Men’s Hebrew Charity Association.
1898: Birthdate of Nathan Gregory Silvermaster, the native of Odessa whobecame an American economist and Soviet spy.
1898: “The Week At The Theatres” published today provided a detailed review“The Merchant of Venice” at Daly’s Theatrestarring Sidney Herbert asShylock and Ada Rehan as Portia which is described as being filled with “a fewkeen disappointments.”
1899(25th of Kislev, 5660): First day of Chanukah
1899: “Dr. Silverman On The Jew” published today provided the views of RabbiJoseph Silverman on the survival of his co-religionist over the many centuriesof mistreatment only to emerge triumphant in the 19th century wherehe “always feels himself a citizen of the in which he lives” but where “hisreligion is cosmopolitan.”
1900: Birthdate of Sarajevo native Morris Muster who in 1909 came to theUnited States her served as the “secretary of the Home Furniture Association ofNew York” while being actively involved with Histadrut Ivrith, B’nai B’rith andthe UJA.
1900: Four days after he had passed away, “Nahum Salaman,” the husband ofthe former Amelia Bertram with whom he had had six children was buried today atthe “Balls Pond Jewish Cemetery.”
1901: In Charleston, SC, Rabbi B.A. Elzas officiated at the marriage ofWilliam Rosenbaum and Rosalie Levy.
1901: It was reported today that “during the past few days the building ofthe Hebrew Sheltering and Guardian Society of which Samuel D. Levy is Presidenthas been increased by $6,700 bringing” the total raised to about $56,000 whichis one third of the amount needed to build a new facility since “the presentbuild is inadequate to the meet the demands of the more than 300 children andto house a much need library.
1902: Today, twenty-six-year-old Harvard educated R.H. Macy and Co vicepresident Percy Selden, the New York City born son Isidor and Ida (Blum)Straus, who was active in several civic and philanthropic organizations as canbe seen by his service as President of the Jewish Agricultural Society andChairman of the Business Men’s Council of the Federation of JewishPhilanthropic Societies of New York City married Edith Abraham.
1903: The trial of the rioters who attacked the Jews at Kishineff continuedtoday.
1903: In a speech tonight, Lord Balfour, of Balfour Declaration fame,“expressed in pointed language the universal British apprehension of Russianaggression, especially in relation to India.”
1904: It was reported today that “the Jews of Kishineff and other parts ofBessarabia tendered a reception in the synagogue” at Kishineff “to PrinceUrsoff and gave him a Bible as left to “assume the Governorship of Tver.”
1904: Birthdate of Vilna native Hyman Bezprozvany, who in 1922 came to theUnited States where he gained fame as Hyman B. Bass the Yiddish teacher andauthor who worked tithe Joint Distribution Committee and served as “nationalofficer with the Workmen’s Circle.”
1905: David Kosse, the President of the Temporary Odessa SocietiesOrganization and Joseph Sanders were the marshals for today’s parade on theLower East Side held in honor of the victims of the Odessa massacres which ledby three men carrying flags – the American flag, the flag of Zion and a blackflag edged in white.
1905: Samuel Simon wrote today, “I note with profound regret the fact thatone of my co-religionists advances the theory that it would be wise to petitionthe Pope with a view toward his intervention with Russia in” behalf of the Jews“and with the idea of bringing to a cessation the terrible atrocities that havebefallen our brethren that country” because he maintains “that it has alreadybe demonstrated that our salvation lies in our own hands.”
1905: Simon Rasch presided over a mass meeting held by the First OdessaBenevolent Association at the Great Central Palace attended by over 2,000people who raised “several hundreds of dollars” to fund to aid those sufferingin Russia.
1905: At an executive meeting of the national committee collecting funds forthe Russian Jews held in Jacob Schiff’s office it was “decided to use itsutmost endeavors to inspire the country with the idea that there must be nolet-up in contributions” since conditions are far worse now than they were whenit was decided to raise $1,000,000.
1905: “Rabbi Adolph S. H. Radin of the People’s Synagogue, Congressman HenryM. Goldfogle and actor Jacob P. Adler” are scheduled to address a mass meetingon Clinton Street.
1905: A mass meeting is scheduled to be held tonight “in the open squaremade by the judge of Sheriff, Grand and East Broadway, in the vicinity of theYoung Men’s Benevolent Association” to protest against the treatment of theJews of Russia.
1905: As conditions of the Jews in Russia continued to worsen, it was reportedthat today that the United States Government is being urged “to enact a moreliberal immigration law which would allow many of the Jewish people who arebarred from entering this country at the present time to come to America wherethey could be protected by the Jewish people.”
1905: As of today, it was reported that $878,511 has been raised by thenational committee collecting funds to aid the suffering Jews of Russia.
1905: “According to a private telegram from an eminently trustworthy source”the violence in Sevastopol continues forcing the inhabitants, “especially theJews” to flee the city.
1905: “Consular advices by cable received” in Washington report that fifteenJews were killed at Rostoff during the recent riots in Russia.
1906: It was reported today that the Educational Alliance, which “hasdemonstrated great efficieny in looing after the welfare of the Russian Jewishimmigrants” is in need of additional funds and contributions can be send toIsidor Straus, at 34th Street and Broadway.
1907: Birthdate of Syracuse native Phoebe Brand, the daughter of the “chiefmechanical engineer for Remington typewriters, the actress and acting teacherwho was the wife of actor Morris Carnovsky and the mother of Stephen Carnovsky.
1907: In Boston, Louis and Muriel Fisher gave birth to Golda Walters thewife of Charles H. Walters and Boston University lawyer who while serving as a“Massachusetts judge” lost out on a chance for a federal judgeship in 1941 whenPresident Roosevelt decided to fill the two vacancies with two men and who wasdescribed as the “prettiest judge” in the January 31, 1939 of Look magazine.
1907: In Hesse, Germany, Isaac and Sophie Plaut gave birth to Alfred Plaut,the husband of Fanny K. Kasper.
1907: Sixty-four-year-old Cyril Flower, 1st Baron Battersea, thehusband of Constance, the daughter of Sir Anthony de Rothschild passed awaytoday.
1908: “Nathan Straus conferred” today “with Health Commissioner Darlingtonon the dangers to which he fears children are subject by reason of a confusionin the public mind as to what pasteurized milk really is” since the public maynot be able “to distinguish between real pasteurized milk and substitutes knownas ‘commercially pasteurize’ milk.”
1908: It was reported to that the“Zionistischen Ortsgruppe Hamburg-Altona” [Zionist chapter Hamburg-Altona] had hosteda lecture: Pastor Otto Eberhard, who was presented as “one of the leadingexperts on the modern cultural state of Palestine,”
1909(14th of Kislev, 5670): Parashat Vayishlach
1909(14th of Kislev, 5670): Noachm Schapiro passed away today.
1909: Birthdate of Alfred Lionel Piser, the native of Chicago and graduateof the University of Illinois who served in WW II and became a successfulOphthalmologist.
1910: “The Work of the Tax Department” published today described a lecturegiven on the subject of “Taxation” by Commissioner Lawson L. Purdy, before theReal Estate Class of the Young Men's Hebrew Association, Lexington Avenue andNinety-second Street.
1910: “The memorial services for Rev. Dr. Abraham H. Ershler, the deceasedrabbi of Congregation Ahabath Hesed Anshei Shavel in Philadelphia wereconducted” tonight “at Chizuk Amunah synagogue.”
1910: “Rabbi Denounces Union Services” published today, described Dr. SamuelSchulman’s “attacks on the union services of worship instituted by RabbiStephen Wise of the Free Synagogue, Reverend Frank Oliver hall of theUniversalist Church and Reverend Dr. John Hayes Holmes which appeared in thecurrent issues of The American Hebrew in which the Rabbi of Temple Beth-El “denounces the movement as undesirable fromthe standpoint of Jew and Christian alike, referring to it as a ‘sensationmove’ and a ‘water away of Judaism.’”
1911: Birthdate of Newark, NJ native Jack Chernck, the Rutgers and U. ofChicago trained physicist who wrote The Nuclear Reactor Comes of Age.
1912: In Chicago, Mrs. Hamburger is scheduled to give German readings afterwhich Mrs. G.B. Levi will lead the singing of German songs at this afternoon’smeeting of The Willing Workers.
1912: A troupe of Yiddish language actors including Jacob P. Adler willbegin performing this evening at the Haymarket Theatre.
1912: Professor Percy Homes Boynton of the University of Chicago isscheduled to deliver a lecture at the Chicago Hebrew Institute on “The Trend ofAmerican Fiction.”
1912: In St. Louis, MO, Samuel Margulois, “ahand-to-mouth salesman and his wife Celia” gave birth to David Lee Margulois,the Washington University graduate and lawyer who gained fame as David Merrick,the theatrical producer best known for his production of “Hello Dolly.”
1912: In Pueblo, CO, Romanian Jewish immigrantsSamuel Cohen and Dora Inger who had been living in Denver gave birth to RoseCohen who gained fame as actress Connie Sawyer.
1912: Leopold Godowsky’s piano recital atCarnegie Hall today included a half dozen of Listz’s most difficult etudes.
1913: Anglo-Jewishfeatherweight/bantam weight Matt Wells defeated Owen Moran in Sydney, Australia
1913: Columbia trained MechanicalEngineer, the New York born son of Meinhard and Bertha (Baruch) Alsberg marriedEllsie Kessler Fraenkel today in the same year that he went from working forthe Colgate Company to F.M. Peters where he worked on the re-organization ofAmerican Cotton Oil Companies.
1914: The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committeewas established by combining several separate organizations. Its original namewas the Joint Distribution Committee of American Funds for the Relief of JewishWar Sufferers and was chaired by Felix M. Warburg. It campaigned anddistributed funds wherever Jews were in need, especially in Eastern Europe. Itis popularly known as the "Joint" or "JDC." During theFirst World War they spent almost 15,000,000 on relief efforts.
1914(9th of Kislev, 5675): Lt Frank Alexander de Pass of 34 PoonaHorse, part of the Indian Expeditionary Force which arrived in France soonafter the war began” and who first Jew to be awarded the Victoria Cross(posthumously) was killed today.
1914: In Brooklyn, Rabbi Alexander Lyons preached a sermon entitled“Prejudice in American Life” at Friday night services “in which he referred tothe prejudice again Leo M. Frank that existed in Atlanta during the trial ofFrank which resulted in a verdict convicting him of the murder of Mary Phagan.
1914: If the Supreme Court of the United States denies the application ofLeo Frank for a writ of error, Georgia Governor John M Slaton told reporters atthe Waldorf today that he will review all of the evidence and if Frank “is notguilty then he ought to be saved from the (death) penalty and shall not avictim of injustice because he is a Jew.”As to his feelings towards Jews, the governor pointed out that Mr.Philips, his law partner for nineteen years is a Jew and that Jews have been anintegral part of Georgia since the days of the Crown when the Minis familysettled in the colony.
1914: “Following the second reversal at the hands of a Justice of theSupreme Court of the United States” Leo Franks has issued a public statement“calling attention to several phases” of his case including the fact that themembers of their jury feared for their lives because of “the dangerous…crowdwhich surrounded the jail” and that the “Supreme Court has never reviewed thequestion of his guilt or innocence” but has only responded to questions ofprocedural technicalities related to his appeal.
1915: The American Embassy in Berlin is working with the German governmentto get permission for Isadore Hershfield to go to Poland where, among otherthings he will try to make contact with Jews whose families in America wouldlike to send them financial assistance.
1915: On Shabbat, at Temple Israel on the corner of Lenox Avenue and 120thStreet, Rabbi M.H. Harris delivered a sermon on “Thanksgiving in Tribulation”in which he made “an appeal to the Jews of America to give aid to theirstarving brethren in Galicia and Poland.”
1916: It was reported today that a Russian officer had made speech to thepeasants the District of Lutsk in which “he said the Jews were enemies of theState and traitors and they must be expelled” and told them that they must comeforward and testify as to how the Jews had welcomed and supported theAustrians.
1916: “Plain clothes men who arrest women on the streets were defended”tonight “by Justice Henry Herbert of Special Sessions at the annual meeting ofthe Sisterhood of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue – an organization whichspends a considerable amount of time and money working among the “Jewish girlswhom into the magistrate’s courts” with the intent of leading them away fromcriminal activity.
1916: It was pointed out at today’s session of the Reichstag that “theJewish population of former Russian Poland amounts to 14 percent” of the workforce and that this “large number of Jews in Poland might be profitablyemployed by” German manufacturers “to relieve the dearth of labor.”
1917: As revolution spreads across Ukraine and nationalist forces tried totake control of what had once been part of the Russian empire, it was reportedtoday that that Jews in Skivira have been attacked in a pogrom.
1917: Turkish forces began four days of attacks against Allenby’s troops infutile attempt to keep the British forces from Jerusalem.
1917: At Petrograd, “a delegation of Jews appeared at the British Embassytoday to express its gratitude for the action of the Entente Allies withreference to Palestine.”
1917: Birthdate of Yhyah Qafih, the native of Sana’a Yemin who was the sonof Rabbi David Qafiḥ and thegrandson of Rabbi Yiḥyah Qafiḥ, making him the third generation of leaders ofthe Yemenite Jewish community, first in Yemen and then in Israel.
1918: Birthdate of New YorkerElliott Pershing Stitzel who gained fame as actor Stephen Elliott.
1918: Felix M. Warburg, theChairman of the Joint Distribution Committee of the American Funds for JewishWar Suffers issued a statement tonight explaining why it was necessary “toraise $5,000,000 for Jewish relief” that began “The Jewish civilian populationsthroughout the war zones have been deprived of the opportunity to beself-supporting” and “the end of the war has not altered their state but hasactually accentuated their misery” as can be seen by the fact that “in manycountries the Jews will not receive the bread distributed by the government”unless it is done by the Jews themselves.
1918: Birthdate of VictorElmaleh, the native of Mogador, who imported the first Volkswagens to theUnited States and “developed $7 billion worth of real estate.” (As reported byDouglas Martin)
1919: Following the end of WW I, Bulgaria signed The Treaty ofNeuilly-sur-Seine which included guarantees of the rights of that country’sJewish population.
1920(16th of Kislev, 5681): Parashat Vayishlach
1920: In Buffalo, NY, tonight, Rabbi Stephen S. Wised delivered a speech ofthe opening session of a meeting of the ZOA during which he “denied that theAmerican Zionists were drifting away from the World Zionist Organization.”
1921 Charles Rechct, counsel in New York for the Russian Socialist FederatedSoviet Republic issued a warning not send assistance to relatives in Russiathrough unauthorized agencies which meant clothing parcels \could continue to be shipped by All RussianJewish Public Administration which was on the list of authorized agencies.
1922: It was reported today that “a committee on local arrangements,composed of the presidents of important synagogues in New York and Brooklynunder the chairmanship of Daniel P. Hays” is already making preparations forthe meeting of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations which will be held onJanuary 20, 1923.
1922: It was reported today that last week during the dedication of amemorial tabled to the men of Harlem who died in the World War, PresidentNicholas Murray Butler of Columbia and Congressman Isaac Siegel spoke outagainst the Ku Klux Klan – an organization which a large section of thepopulation of New York led by the Catholics and Jews has declared “open warfareagainst.”
1922: It was reported today that President Harding has not yet appointedCongressman Isaac Siegel who did not seek re-election to the House ofRepresentatives “to one of the vacant judgeships in the local United StatesDistrict Court.”
1923: “The American-Jewish Relief Committee issued an appeal” today “throughits 1,500 local chairmen in the United States for the aid in the war-strickenareas of Europe.”
1923: “An official protest against the mistreatment and the plundering whichJewish citizens of Poland, together with other Jews, suffered during the recentdisorders in Berlin has been lodged by the Polish Ambassador” with theChancellor in Berlin.
1924: Journalist, playwright, and screen writer Rita Weiman, thePhiladelphia born daughter of Jennie Bash and Charles Weisman whose play “TheStage Door” was the basis for the Jesse L Lasky film “After the Show” married advertising man Maurice Marks today
1924: In New York City the first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade washeld. Macey’s was not founded by Jews,but it was two Jews, Isidor and Nathan Straus, who took control of the store in1896 who turned into what was then “biggest department store in the world.”
1924: “Comedians of Life,” a silent film featuring Martin Herzberg wasreleased today in German.
1925: Birthdate of Ernest Wiseman, the Englishcomedian who changed his name to Ernie Wise to further his career as an actorand singer in English music halls. Hewas best known as one half of the comedy duo Morecambe and Wise, whichbecame an institution on British television, especially for their Christmasspecials. He passed away in 1999. Just as in American, English entertainerschanged their names to get ahead and like Irving Berlin helped add luster tothe Christian’s Christmas.
1925: In Paris Paulette (née Grobermann) and Armand Lanzmann gave birth toClaude Lanzemann, the French filmmaker who joined the Resistance at the age of18 and fought the Nazis and later became “chief editor of the journal Les Temps Modernes, which was founded byJean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir.” Lanzmann's most renowned work is thenine-and-a-half hour documentary film Shoah (1985), which is an oral history ofthe Holocaust, and is broadly considered to be the foremost film on the subject.”
1925(10th of Kislev, 5686): Forty-three-year-old Horace AndrewSaks, the son of Andrew and Jennie Sakes and the husband of Dorothy IsabelSakes passed away today, who along with Bernard Gimbel had created Saks FifthAvenue in 1924.
1926: “The Miraculous Mandarin” “a one act pantomime ballet…based on thestory by Melchior Lengyel” premiered today in Cologne, Germany where “it causeda scandal and was subsequently banned on moral grounds,”
1926: In the Bronx, Abraham Handleman, the Ukrainian born son of JosephYussel Handelman and Dobrish (Dora) Handelman, and his wife Anna (Boorstein)Handelman gave birth to Arnold Handleman the husband of the former GretaGoldman with whom he had two children.
1927: “Asserting that only 29 percent of the school of the Jewish faith inNew York receive religious education, Israel Unterberg, President of the JewishEducation Association, issued an appeal today for $500,000 to “enable theassociation to extend religious education to 10,000 additional Jewish childrenin the upcoming year.”
1928: “Blame for the recent riots at the wailing wall in Jerusalem wasplaced squarely on the Jewish community in a White paper issued today by theColonial Office, containing a memorandum on the subject by L.C.M.S. Amery,Secretary of State for the Colonies” that “stated that officials intervened atthe wailing wall only after the Jewish worshippers had violated the existingagreement by bringing chairs and benches or screens to the street pavement.”
1929: “Under the direction of Max Gabel, there was staged in the PublicTheatre, with Jennie Goldstein in the title role, R.'s operetta, "Digalitsianer rebetsin, lyrics by the author, music by Herman Wohl."
1930: Thanksgiving
1930(7th of Kislev, 5691): Sixty-two-year-old Annie Siskin, thewife of Robert Hyman Siskin and the mother of Sarah, Aaron and Garrison Siskinpassed away today after she was buried at the B’nai Zion Cemetery inChattanooga, TN.
1930: The Free Synagogue, Temple Israel, Temple Rodeph Sholom are among thecongregations participating in the annual community Thanksgiving service beingheld at Carnegie Hall.
1931: President Hoover and Tytus Filipowicz, Polish Ambassador to the UnitedStates were asked today by the Union of Orthodox Rabbis who are holding theirsemi-annual convention in Cincinnati, “to use their influence to stop thepersecution of Jews in Poland.”
1932: In New York Miriam Goshen and Edward Schechter gave birth toUniversity of Wisconsin graduate and award-winning journalist Jerrold Schecter,the husband of Leona Protas.
1932: Today, three Jews were arrested in Lwow following the fatal stabbingof Jat Grotowski who was reported one of “sever youths” who having seen “agroup of Jews in a café tried to eject them.”
1933: In Brooklyn, restaurant workers “Al Saperstein and Doris Bergman” gavebirth to Burton Saperstein who gained fame as bibliophile Burt Britton. (Asreported by James Barron)
1933: Birthdate of William G. Dever, the native of Louisville, KY who became“an archaeologist specializing in thehistory of Israel and the Near East in Biblical times” whose works included WhatDid the Biblical Writers Know and When Did They Know It?
1933: As Hitler moves to consolidate his control over German society Kraftdurch Freude (KdF; Strength through Joy) is established to tie leisureactivities of the German Volk (people) to the aims of the Nazi Party.
1933: A transfer company was established today in Tel Aviv to facilitate theimmigration of German Jews along with whatever property they are able to bringwith them. (Jewish Virtual Library)
1934: “For the first time since the Nazis' unsuccessful putsch in Julyshouts of "Heil Hitler!" and "Perish the Jews!" and thewords of "Deutschland ueber Alles" resounded today in the mainstreets of Vienna.”
1935(1st of Kislev, 5696): Rosh Chodesh Kislev
1935(1st of Kislev, 5696): Sixty-seven-year-old Louisville, KYnative Benjamin Edward Bensinger, the husband of Rose Frank Bensinger, father of Yale graduate Benjamin EdwardBensinger, Jr. and Benjamin Edward Bensinger III passed away today in Chicago.
1935: “Boy Meets Girl,” “a comedy in three acts” written by Bell and SamSpewack opened on Broadway today at the Cort Theatre.
1936:Nazi Minister ofPropaganda Joseph Goebbels declares that film criticism is henceforth banned,freeing the Nazi-controlled German film industry to pursue its own agenda,which includes blatantly anti-Semitic films.During the same period in theUnited States, Hollywood is self-censored in that it fears dealing with Jewishissues because of the high level of anti-Semitism existing at the time in theUnited States.
1936: “Born to Dance,” a musical with a script co-authored by Sid Silverswho also played the role of “Gunny” Sacks was released in the United Statestoday.
1936: In a letter-to-the editorpublished today, Hendrik Willem Van Loon expressed his appreciation to the NewYork Times for printing a previous letter in which he “suggested that we doa little cosmic pinch-hitting and erect a statue of Felix Mendelssohn and keepit here until our German friends shall be able to once more to listen to hischarming music without getting Aryan jitters. (This was a reference to the Naziban on the music of Mendelssohn whose Jewish origins did not spare him from aposthumous form of anti-Semitism)
1937(23rd of Kislev, 5698): Parashat Vayeshev
1937(23rd of Kislev, 5698):Today forty-four-year-old Atlanta, GAmotion picture theatre owner Louis S. Bach, the Lauderdale County, TN born sonof Joseph and Rebecca Greenblatt Bach and the husband of Pearl Williams Bach “diedof uremic poisoning following a brief illness” after which he was buried at theGreenwood Cemetery in Atlanta, GA.
1937: Opening performance of"Pins & Needles" a pro-labor musical revue produced by ILGWU
1938: Speaking before the NationalCouncil of Teachers of English in St. Louis, “Professor Clyde R. Miller of NewYork, the director of the Institute for Propaganda Analysis said today thatAmerica may expect increasing Nazi propaganda to justify the persecution ofJews, Catholics and Protestants in Germany” and that “the object of the Nazipropaganda was to break Americans up into dissenting groups – gettingChristians hating Jews, Catholics hating Protestants, natives hating foreignborn.”
1938: “Erich Rix, the president ofthe San Francisco unit of the German American League for Culture announcedtoday that the group had adopted a declaration condemning the Hitler governmentfor a regular pogrom against the Jews.”
1939: In New York, at the HotelAstor, Dr. Kurt Blumenfeld, president of the German-Jewish Settlers Associationin Palestine, Dr. Georg Landauer, head of the Central Bureau for the Settlementof German Jews in Palestine, Louis Lipsky, chairman of the Palestine FoundationFund, Charles Ress and Dr. Ludwig Lewisohn addressed tonight’s meeting of thePalestine Foundation, the fiscal arm of the Jewish Agency for Palestine.
1939: It was reported today that therise in the price of stocks in Berlin is due “partly to the continued sales ofstocks formerly owned by Jews for the Reich’s accounts” which “were taken inpayment from former holders at prices considerably below their present values”and partly in anticipation of the next payment of 200,000,000 marks which theJews must make in December.
1939: As of today, the new nationalofficers of Junior Hadassah were President Nell Ziff, Vice Presidents GoldieBrenner of Newport News, VA; Sylvia Brody of Akron, Ohio; Claire GottfriedJacobson of New York; Esther Brody, Brooklyn, NY; Secretary Ernestine Kirschnerof New York and Treasurer Dorothy Hines of New York.
1939: George Z Medalie was reportedto have “announced that during the upcoming week twenty-seven luncheons,dinners and group meetings” would be held as “part of the program to enlistsupport for” the 1939 Appeal of the New York and Brooklyn Federation of JewishCharities.
1939(15th of Kislev,5700): Seventy-six-year-old Alexander Harkavy, Jewish lexicographer, author andpublisher of newspapers in Montreal and Baltimore passed away today at theBroadway Central Hotel in New York City.
1939: It was reported today “that the German planfor the deportation of all Jews within the confines of the Greater Reichforesees the transportation of 150,000 Jews from the Protectorate, 60,000 fromAustria, 30,000 from the conquered provinces of Posen and Western Prussia andapproximately 200,000 from the old Reich territory to Eastern Poland.”
1940: The family of Abraham Gevirtzreturned to their home in Scarsdale this evening and found that it had beenburglarized.
1941: The Jews were deported fromWuerzburg, Germany.
1941: Friedrich Jeckeln met with the leaders of Protective Police, “a branchof the German Order Police” who would be participating in the upcoming massacreof the Jews in Riga.
1941: The first of 19 trains leaves Germany to resettle thousands of Jews inRiga and Kovno. Yet, 1000 newly resettled German Jews were taken and killed atthe same time.
1941: “The Palestine Symphony Orchestra has just announced the results of acompetition open to composers in Palestine and the neighboring countries.” Because of the volume and quality of theentries, four “winners” instead of just one were announced including, aDivertimento for Orchestra by Joseph Huttel, director of European Music at theEgyptian State Broadcasting, Cairo, Overture to a cantata by A. Daus of TelAviv, a Symphony of Variations for Soloists and Orchestra by Peter Gradenwitzof Tel Aviv and Fatum, a symphonic poem by J. Wohl of Haifa.
1942: From this date through August1943more than 110,000 Poles are expelled from their homes in thefertile Zamosc province so that the area can be resettled by ethnic Germans, SStroops, and Ukrainians. More than 300 villages are affected. Thousands ofPolish children are deported from the area to Belzec and other death camps.
1942: Birthdate of poet Marilyn Hacker
1942: On Friday night, Rabbi Harold Saperstein delivered a sermon entitled“What Have We Jews to Be Thankful For?” on the day following Thanksgiving whenthe condition of American Jewry stood in stark contrast to the news “the papershave given the general public information about what is happening to the Jewsof Nazi-occupied Europe.”
1943: U.S. premiere of “Old Acquaintance” a comedy-drama directed by VincentSherman with music by Franz Waxman.
1943(29th of Cheshvan, 5704): Parashat Toldot
1943(29th of Cheshvan, 5704): Fifty-four-year-old Ukrainian bornrevolutionary Jacob Golos, a founding member of the CPUSA and spy for theSoviet Union suffered a fatal heart attack today.
1944: In the weekly internal report of the War Refugee Board, it reportedthat the United States embassy had received from the Spanish Foreign Office:"Official confirmation that appropriate instructions have been sent to theSpanish Legation in Bern to seek the collaboration of the Swiss government inthe efforts of the Spanish Embassy in Berlin to obtain the release and transferto Swiss territory of the group of 155 Sephardic Jews at Camp BergenBelson."
1944:"The Trialand Punishment of European War Criminals," a report by U.S. Secretary ofWar Henry Stimson and Secretary of State Cordell Hull, is submitted toPresident Franklin Roosevelt.
1944(11th of Kislev, 5705): Leonid Isaakovich Mandelshtam, Russianphysicist, passed away.
1944(11th of Kislev, 5705): Albert Isaac Myers, “the proprietorof Myers & Co.” a bookstore specializing in “rare books, fine prints andchoice early maps” who was described by Harold Laski as being “one of the mostlearned and helpful of booksellers” and whose activities in the Jewishcommunity included serving on the Board of Management of the Dalston Synagogueand the committees for the Jewish Free Reading Room and the Home for JewishIncurables.
1945: The American League for a Free Palestine, chaired by former IowaSenator Guy Gillette, sent a telegram to President Harry Truman protestingrecent beatings of Jewish displaced persons housed at the former Bergen-Belsenconcentration camp by British military police.According to the League, an unnamed German had told the British that theJews planned to protest Ernest Bevin’s recent hostile comments about Palestine.British forces arrested the leader of the Jewish “prisoners’ and reportedlybeat several of the women.
1945: In London, former U.S. Senator Guy Gillette, head of the AmericanLeague for a Free Palestine, held a press conference after meeting with ForeignMinister Ernest Bevin in which he declared “that the United States was‘thoroughly worked up’ over Palestine” and regarded the situational there as atesting ground for all the principles of Atlantic Charter.
1945: The American League for a Free Palestine submitted a memorandum to theBritish government calling for action by the Big Five Powers to deal with anyviolence that the British claim will occur if 100,000 Jews are allowed toimmigrate to Palestine.
1946(4th of Kislev, 5707): Seventy –two year old Rabbi SollyBaron, who escaped to Germany in 1939 and arrived in Halifax in 1945 passedaway today in St. Louis.
1947: Thanksgiving in the United States
1947: On Thanksgiving, “the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society fedturkey dinners to fifty children and to 200 newly arrived immigrants” to whom“the significance of Thanksgiving Day in the United States was carefullyexplained.”
1947: “The Palestine Government’s intention to sell Government land on theHaifa waterfront, which has aroused a storm of protest from the Jewishcommunity” and which Mrs. Golda Myerson has described as “incomprehensible”“was confirmed today in the official Palestine Gazette.
1947: In Prague, Czechoslovakia Franci and Kurt Epstein gave birth toAmerican author Helen Epstein.
1948:Goldblatt’s a chain of discount stores owned by Nate and Maurice Goldbatt whichoperated in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin, closed its store inBuffalo, NY which had opened in 1941 and had failed to perform at an acceptablelevel.
1949(6thof Kislev,5710): Fifty-two-year-old Leeds, Yorkshire native and VictoriaRecipient Jack White who earned this distrinction while serving “as a Privatein the 6th Battalion, King’s Own Regiment” in Mesopotamia in 1917passed away today after which he was buried at the Blackley Jewish Cemetery inManchester, England.
1949:Eighty-six-year-old William H. King, the Senator from Utah who in 1927“declared…that he favored the United States severing diplomatic relations withany country which failed because of anti-Semitism to protect its Jewishnationals” and “expressed the belief that eventually Palestine would be able tosupport a population of a million Jews” passed away today.
1950: A rummage sale sponsored by the Jordan Metropolis Chapter of the B’naiB’rith is scheduled to begin today in New York City.
1950: Mrs. Jack Kesselman is scheduled to address today’s meeting of theJersey City, NJ chapter of Hadassah at the Jersey City Jewish Community Center.
1950: Films of Europe and Israel arescheduled to be shown at tonight’s meeting of the Kinnereth Business andProfessional Group of Hadassah meeting at the Henry Hudson Hotel.
1951: Today thirty year old produer/directorJospeh Papp married Salt Lake City, Utah native, Peggy Marie Bennion who earnedan MSW from the Hunter College School of Social Work.
1952(9th of Kislev, 5713): Seventy-five-year-old Cambridge graduateand director of Royal Dutch Oil Company Sir Robert Waley Cohen, the son of JuliaMatilda Waley and stockbroker Nathaniel Louis Cohen, the husband of Alice VioletBeddington whom he married in 1904 and the brother Liberal party leader CharlesWaley Cohen and Paleographer Dorthea Waley Singer who was a leader theAnglo-English community, an opponent of Zionist, the creator of the PalestineCorporation and one of those named in “The Black Book” – which contained a listof Jews to be arrested once the Nazis had conquered Great Britain -- passed away toda.
1953(20th of Kislev, 5714): Seventy-seven-year-old Frenchplaywright Henri-Léon-Gustave-Charles Bernstein the victim of an anti-Semiticriot in 1911 whose play “Dreaming Lips” was made into a movie in 1932 and whospent WW II living at the Waldorf-Astoria passed away today after which he was buried in the Cimetière de Passy in Paris.
1954(2nd of Kislev, 5715): Parashat Toldot
1954: It was reported today that “Dr. Nelson Glueck, president of HebrewUnion College-Jewish Institute of Religion, has asserted that through the useof dense settlement and exploitation of natural resources Israel's southernNegev desert could be restored to its ancient prosperity.”
1955: During border attacks by Arabs one Israeli soldier was injured when “aweapon carrier traveling near Magen was blown up by anti-vehicle mines” and anotherIsraeli soldier was “hurt” when “in the Jerusalem corrido infiltrators from Jordanterritory opened fire upon another weapon carrier near Beit Jibrin.
1955: Major General Moshe Dayan, the Chief of Staff of the IDF said “thereal cause of border tension between Israel and her Arab neighbors is what ishappening in Alexandria” which was a reference to the arms from Soviet proxyCzechoslovakia being unloaded at the Egyptian seaport.
1956: Senator John F. Kennedy addresses the Annual Banquet of HistadrutZionist Organization, Baltimore, Maryland.
1956: In Amsterdam, Queen Juliana attended the opening performance ofGoodrich and Hackett's “The Diary of Anne Frank.”
1956(18th of Kislev, 5654): Seventy-seven-year-old muralist HugoBallin whose works included a mural at the Wilshire Boulevard Temple that“encircles the main Sanctuary” that tell the story of the Jewish people fromBereshit until the time of its commissioning in 1929.
1956: The Jerusalem Post reported that Jewsarriving by plane in Paris 'confirmed that expulsion orders were being issuedto Jews in Egypt by the thousands.'
1956: Golda Meir, the Israeli Foreign Minister,"wrote the first of two letters to the UN Secretary General, protestingthe 'action taken by the Egyptian Government against the Jewish Community inEgypt.'"
1957(4th of Kislev, 5718):Seventy-one-year-old Titanic survivor Leilia Ranger, the Baltimore borndaughter of Andrew and Jennie R. Saks, the wife of Louis E Ranger and Edgar JosephMeyer and the mother of Jane Stern passed away in Manhattan today after whichshe buried at the Salem Fields Cemetery in NY.
1957: “The Sad Sack” a comedy produced by Hal B. Wallis,starring Jerry Lewis and featuring Peter Lorre was released today in the UnitedStates.
1958: Polish born conductor Artur Rodziński passed away. Rodzinski was notJewish but under the law of unintended consequences, he had major impact on thecareer of a Jew who was one of the musical icons of the 20thcentury, Leonard Bernstein. “Rodzinskisaid that God told him to hire 24 year old Leonard Bernstein,to be his assistant conductor. In the fall of 1943 Rodzinski decided to take avacation, spend a little time with his goats, and called in Bruno Walter to conduct seven concertsin ten days. Only hours before one of those concerts (in the program, works bySchumann, Rosza, Strauss and Wagner) Walterfell ill. Rodzinski was only four hours away, in his farm. But hedeclined to come back to Carnegie Hall: "Call Bernstein. That's why wehired him." The concert was broadcast over radio and a review appeared on page 1 of The New YorkTimes the next day: "Young Aide Leads Philharmonic; Steps in When BrunoWalter is Ill’" And the rest, as they say, is history.
1958(15th of Kislev,5719): Seventy-five-year-old “artist, critic, author” and college professorWalter Pach passed away today at Beth Israel Hospital in New York City.
1958: In Tel Aviv, “theatre actorShmulik Atzmon” and his wife gave birth to actress and singer Anat Atzmon.
1959: CBS broadcast “Perchance toDream,” the ninth episode of Rod Serling’s “Twilight Zone” co-starring JohnLarch, the Salem, MA born son of Jewish immigrants from Poland Rose Larch and Mitchell Aronin, “a cutter inshoemaking factories” who named him Harold Aronin
1960: Two days after he had passedaway, funeral services are scheduled to be held today in Manhattan for seventy-three-year-oldLester J. Alexander the former president of the Alexander Shirt Company and theUnited Shirt Manufacturers Association who “entered the brokerage business in1933 as a partner in Engel and Company” and who raised three children, Lester,Jr. Edgar and Louise, with his wife Mildred.
1960: Following the merger of OhevSholom and Talmud in 1958, the congregation’s “newly built synagogue buildingon upper Sixteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC, was dedicated” today.
1961: In New York, “Nathan M.Ohrbach, board chairman of Ohrbach’s, Inc. received the insignia of Officer ofthe French Legion of Honor from the French Consul General.
1962(30th of Cheshvan, 5723): RoshChodesh Kislev
1962(30th of Cheshvan5723): Fifty-one-year-old photographer Florence Meyer Homolka, the daughter ofEugene Meyer and actor Oskar Homolka, passed away today.
1963: Birthdate of three-time OphirAward winner Ronit Elkabetz.
1963: Seventy-one-year-old Dr. Manuel Samuel Simon thehusband Agnes Beatrice Barasch was buried today at the Temple Israel Cemeteryin Memphis, TN one day after he passed away at Baptist Hospital where he was bebeing treated for “uremia due to prostatic obstruction.”
1963(11th of Kislev,5724): Seventy-eight-year-old “adermatologist and an authority on industrial skin disease Dr. Louis Tulipan whowas the husband of Kitty Tulipan and the father of Ira and Dr. Alan Tulipan passed away today.
1964(22nd of Kislev,5725): Seventy-one-year-old WW I Field Artillery veteran Abram Efroymson, the Indianapolisborn son Harry and Hannah (Schiff) Efroymson who was President of the Terminaland Refrigeration Corporation, a leader of the Cleveland Jewish community andthe husband of Sylvia Spira with whom he had two children – Alan and John –passed away today.
1964: In Montreal, Dr. GinaShochat-Rakoff and Dr. Vivian Rakooff gave birth to “prize-winning humorist”David Benjamin Rakoff (As reported by Margalit Fox)
1964: Birthdate of Ophir awardwinning Israeli actress and filmmaker Ronit Elkabetz, the native of Beershebawho oldest four children born “to a religious Moroccan Jewish family originallyfrom Esaaouira.
1965: “Gamera: The Giant Monster” ahorror film featuring Alan Oppenheimer as “Dr. Ctonrare” was released today inJapan.
1966: Funeral services are scheduledto be held at Great Neck, NY for seventy-two year old Romanian born, BrooklynPolytechnic Institute trained chemist, Samuel M. Abrams, the WW I veteran anddeveloper of a unique process for manufacturing shoe polish which was marketedunder the Esquire Brand who supported numerous Jewish philanthropies includedthe UJA, the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies, the Hillel foundation and theLong Island Jewish Hospital and who raised two children – Ira and Iris – with hiswife Tillie Abras.
1966: Birthdate of jazz guitaristAdam Levy, the Encino, CA native and grandson of composer George Wyle, bornBernard Weissman, who “was a member of the group Killer Joey withco-religionist drummer Joey Baron.
1967: At news conference today PresidentCharles de Gaulle called Jews “elite people, sure of itself and domineering.”
1968: In Boulogne-Billancourt,Hauts-de-Seine, France, “EddieVartan, a Bulgarian-born musician, and Doris (née Pucher) Vartan, a painter andartist gave birth to Franco-American actor Michael Vartan, the nephew of singerSylvie Vartan.
1969(17th of Kislev,5730): In Athens, one Greek child was killed and 13 others were wounded whentwo Jordanian terrorists attacked the El Al offices with hand grenades.
1972: Release of Free to Be You and Me,the album of non-sexist stories and songs that helped shape theself-understanding and worldview of a generation of children. Letty CottinPogrebin was the editorial project consultant for the album as well as the bookand television special associated with the project, all of which were createdby feminist and actress Marlo Thomas. Free to Be You and Me, whichfeatures such songs as “Parents are People” and “It's All Right to Cry,” isstill enjoyed by children today. In addition to her work on Free to Be Youand Me, Pogrebin was a founding editor of Ms. Magazine. She was aco-founder of the National Women's Political Caucus, as well as the Ms.Foundation for Women and the International Center for Peace in the Middle East.She wrote the best-selling parenting guide to raising non-sexist children, GrowingUp Free: Raising Your Children in the 80s (1980), as well as Deborah,Golda, and Me: Being Female and Jewish in America (1991), FamilyPolitics: Love and Power on an Intimate Frontier (1983), and GettingOver Getting Older: An Intimate Journey (1996). Pogrebin recently publishedher first novel, Three Daughters (2003).
1973: At the funeral for mezzo-soprano JennieTourel Leonard Bernstein paid her tribute in a eulogy at her saying, ‘whenJennie opened her mouth, God spoke.’”
1973: In Kyiv, Ukraine future residents of BrooklynLarisa Portnoy and taxicab driver Alex Zelenko gave birth to Dr. Vladimir “Zev”Zelenko, the husband of Rinat Zelenko and the holder of a “medical degree fromthe State University of New York at Buffalo”who was “a self-described“simple country doctor” from New York State who rocketed to prominence in theearly days of the Covid-19 pandemic when his controversial treatment for thecoronavirus gained White House support…” (As reported by Clay Risen)
1973: NeilSimon's "Good Doctor," premieres in New York City.
1974(13th of Kislev, 5735):Seventy-four-year-old CCNY graduate and Harvard trained attorney Edward SolomonMoses Silver, the New York born son of David and Sarah Feigel Silver and thehusband of Regine Silver with whom he had three children – David, Sarah and Jonathan– passed away today.
1976: “Network” the Paddy Chayefsky writtenclassic directed by Sidney Lumet. Lumet was nominated for an Oscar andChayefsky won one for his screenplay was released today in the United States.
1978(27th of Cheshvan, 5739): In San Francisco, California, city mayorGeorge Moscone and openly gay city supervisor Harvey Milk are assassinated byformer supervisor Dan White. Milk was Jewish.Moscone was succeeded by Jewish the head of the Board of Supervisors,Diane Feinstein. Feinstein would go on to be elected to the U.S. Senate whereshe and fellow Californian Barbara Boxer would become the first Jewish femaleduo to represent a state in the nation’s Upper Chamber.
1980: ABC broadcast the first episode of “BosomBuddies,” a sitcom co-starring Wendie Jo Sperber today.
1981: “Ten Out of 10,” “the eighth studio albumby 10cc” which marked the first involvement with the band by Americansinger-songwriter Andrew Gold and was co-produced by Graham Gouldman wasreleased today.
1981: Eighty-three-year-old singer and actressLotte Lenyam, the widow of Kurt Weil who although not Jewish herself, leftGermany when the Nazis came to power passed away today.
1987(6th of Kislev, 5748): InIsrael, two “internal security agents” were killed today.
1989: Today “The Baker's Wife,” a musical withmusic and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz and the book by Joseph Stein transferred fromthe Wolsey Theater to the West End, Phoenix Theatre.
1989: “The A. M. Rothschild & CompanyStore, also known as the Goldblatt's Building, is a historic department storebuilding located at 333 South State Street in the Loop neighborhood of Chicago,Illinois” was added to the National Register of Historic Places TODAY
1990(10th of Kislev, 5751):Seventy-eight-year-old Gladys Devera Tepper, the Washington D.C. born daughterof Mary Pearl Collegeman and Georgetown trained attorney and member of theexecutive committee of the American Jewish Congress Joseph L. Tepper and thewife of Jackson Feldman passed away today after which she was buried at theMount Lebanon Cemetery in Queens.
1991: TheNew York Times published a review of Benevolence and Betrayal FiveItalian Jewish Families Under Fascism by Alexander Stille.
1993(13th of Kislev, 5754): Marvin H. Bernstein, a businessman andphilanthropist in New York for many years passed away today at the Miami HeartInstitute. He was 66 and lived in Miami. Mr. Bernstein was the founder and for34 years the president of the Variety Knit Corporation of Manhattan, whichmakes women's clothing and T-shirts. He also founded the Marvin Bernstein OilCompany, a petroleum exploration company with headquarters in Miami. Mr.Bernstein was a fund-raiser for and a contributor to the Federation of JewishPhilanthropies, the Simon Weisenthal Center, Israel Bonds, the WeitzmanInstitute of Science, Tel Aviv University and other medical and religiousgroups.
1993: Birthdate of Argentine cyclist Gonzalo Joaquin Najar,
1994(24th of Kislev, 5755): In the evening, kindle the firstChanukah light
1995: Salah Tarif begins serving as the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs
1995: Uri Or began serving as the Deputy Minister of Defense.
1998: “The Slums of Beverly Hills” a comedy about “a teenage girl strugglingto grow up in the late 1970s in a lower-middle-class nomadic Jewish family thatmoves every few months” starring Natasha Lyonne and Alan Arkin and featuringCarl Reiner and Eli Marienthal was released in the United Kingdom today, threemonths after premiering in the United States.
1999:The left-wing Labour Party takes control of the New Zealand governmentwith leader Helen Clark becoming the first elected female Prime Minister in NewZealand's history. In 2005, she opposed a visit by Israeli President MosheKtsav because of a dispute surrounding alleged Mossad agents and the issuing offraudulent passports.
2000:Illusionist Dave Blaine began a stunt called “Frozen In Time” at New York’sTimes Square
2001(12th of Kislev, 5762): EttyFahima, 45, of Netzer Hazani was killed three others were injured when aPalestinian terrorist threw grenades and opened fire at a convoy on the roadbetween the Kissufim crossing and Gush Katif in the Gaza Strip on Tuesdayevening. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.
2001(12th of Kislev, 5762): NoamGozovsky, 23, of Moshav Ramat Zvi, and Michal Mor, 25, of Afula were killedwhen two Palestinian terrorists from the Jenin area opened fire withKalashnikov assault rifles on a crowd of people near the central bus station inAfula. Police officers and a reserve soldier confronted them, killing theterrorists in the ensuing firefight. Another 50 people were injured, 10 of themmoderately to seriously. Fatah and the Islamic Jihad claimed jointresponsibility.
2002(22nd of Kislev, 5763): Eighty-nine-year-oldStanley Black, the conductor and composer born Solomon Schwartz passed awaytoday in London
2003: “Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of Israelwarned Palestinians today to become more conciliatory or risk losingpermanently some of the land they want for a state.”
2004: In “A Rhythmic Soundscape of Lives Caughtin Conflict,” published today Margo Jefferson reviews Yuri Lane’s “From TelAviv to Ramallah” during which “alone on the small stage of theMakor/Steinhardt Center on West 67th Street, Mr. Lane gave us the sounds oflife on both sides of the checkpoint.”
2005:In the topsy-turvy world of Israeli politics, Shimon Peres is seriouslyconsidering leaving the Labor Party and joining Ariel Sharon’s new KadimaParty. This would mean the old lion oflabor and the old lion of Likud could end their careers under a commonpolitical banner. In yet an evenstranger twist of fate, Egyptian President HosniMubarak injected himself into the upcoming electoral campaign by declaring thatAriel Sharon was the only Israeli leader capable of making peace with thePalestinians.
2005: The New York Times featured reviews ofbooks by Jewish authors and/or about topics of Jewish interest including Jesus and Yahweh: The Names Divine by Harold Bloom and The Education of aCoach by David Halberstam.
2006: The Times of London reportedAlexander Litvinenko, the poisoned former KGB agent had just returned from atrip to Israel. A dossier drawn up by Alexander Litvinenko on theKremlin’s takeover of Yukos, the world’s richest energy giant was turned overto Scotland Yard as police investigate the former KGB spy’s secret dealingswith some of Russia’s richest men. It emerged yesterday that Mr. Litvinenkotraveled to Israel just weeks before he died to hand over evidence to a Russianbillionaire of how agents working for President Putin dealt with his enemiesrunning the Yukos oil company. He passed this information to Leonid Nevzlin,the former second-in-command of Yukos, who fled to Tel Aviv in fear for hislife after the Kremlin seized and then sold off the $40 billion (£21 billion)company. Mr. Nevzlin told The Times that it was his “duty” to pass onthe file. “Alexander had information on crimes committed with the RussianGovernment’s direct participation,” he said. There has been more than a whiffof anti-Semitism in Putin’s drive to gain control of Russia.
2006: In New Zealand, John Key became the parliamentary leader of theNational Party.
2006: Cartoonist Jules Feiffer began a stint “at the Arizona StateUniversity Barret Honors College” today.
2006: Seth Rudetsky starred in “Off-Off-Broadway production of “Torch SongTrilogy” which opened today.
2007: Batsheva Dance choreographer Ohad Naharin premiers his latest work,“Kamuyot” in Stockholm. The premier willbe followed by 100 performances before 20,000 students all over Sweden. “Kamuyot” can be translated as “numbers of”or “characteristics.”
2007: The scheduled U.S. sponsored meeting of Israelis and Arabs atAnnapolis, MD, comes to an end.
2007: YIVO Institute presents TheKlezmatics: Up Close in downtown Manhattan.The Klezmatics perform music drawn from their 2007 Grammy award-winningCD Wonder Wheel – Lyrics by Woody Guthrie, YIVO’s Max and Frieda WeinsteinSound Archives and their vast repertoire.
2007: "Operation: Last Chance” which is targeted to find and bring tojustice at least some of the thousands of Nazis still hiding in South America62 years after the end of World War IIwill be formally launched at a pressconference in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2007: At the end of the Annapolis Conference, ForeignMinister Tzipi Livni spoke of the relevance to any future Israeli-Palestinianagreement of the plight of Jewish refugees from Arab countries after 1948.
2008: As Thanksgiving weekend begins, Secretsdirected by Avi Nesher premierstheatrically in commercial movie theatres. In the 'Secrets', directorAvi Nesher skillfully presents the quandaries facing Naomi (Ania Bukstein) thestudious, devoutly religious daughter of prominent rabbi, who convinces herfather to postpone her marriage for a year so that she might study at a Jewishseminary for women in the ancient Kabalistic seat of Safed. Naomi's quest forindividuality takes a defiant turn when she befriends Michelle, a free spiritedand equally headstrong fellow student.
2008: During the Mumbai Terrorist Attacks, Indian army reported that it hadsecured the Jewish outreach center at Nariman House and liberated 60 people inthe building.
2008: Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi YonaMetzger and Chief Sephardi Rabbi Shlomo Amar are calling for a mass prayerrally today in the hope that heavenly intervention will stem the globalfinancial crisis.
2008: Final showing at the Jacob Burns Film Center of “One Day You’llUnderstand” a film that portrays the reaction of French businessman’s reactionto the televised trial of Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie in 1987.
2008: Israeli sculptor Gideon Gechtman, a native of Alexandria, whose familymade Aliyah in 1945, passed away today.
2008: Idina Menzel performed "I Stand" on the M&M Candiesfloat as part of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
2009: Eighty-eight-year old Heinrich Boere a man accused of murdering Dutchcivilians as a member of a Waffen SS hit squad said at his trial today that hewas proud about being chosen to fight for the Nazis.
2009: A Palestinian terrorist was killed this morning when the IAF struck aGaza terror cell preparing to fire rockets into Israel, according to the IDF.In a statement, the army said that the terrorist belonged to the Jaljalattterror organization, a Salafist movement operating in the Gaza Strip andinfluenced by al-Qaida. The IDF said that the rocket launching pad was also hitin the air raid near northern Gaza's Jabalya refugee camp. Gaza emergencyservices said three others were wounded, one of them seriously. In a statement,the IDF said that it viewed Hamas as being fully responsible for maintainingquiet in the South and that the army would continue to respond severely to anyattempt to shatter the calm. The statement added that some 770 Kassam rockets,mortar shells and Grad missiles had been fired at Israel since the beginning of2009.
2009: The Israeli Black Panthers host a special tour of the Musaraneighbored in Jerusalem. The IsraeliBlack Panthers “is a popular movement of Arab Jews “first established duringthe 1970’s. The historic ‘Seam Line’neighborhood was right on the Israeli-Jordanian border” until the war in June,1967 resulted in the reunification of the city. The purpose of the tour is toacquaint visitors with “the place, its peoples and the relevance of its historyand struggle in the Israeli-Arab conflict.
2009: Performance of “Lost in Yonkers” at the DC JCC.
2009: Paul “Godfrey was announced as the chair of the Ontario Lottery andGaming Corporation” today,
2009: In Cedar Rapids, Iowa Noah Thalblum helps to lead Friday Nightservices as part of his Bar Mitzvah weekend.
2009: Abe Pollin’s funeral service is held at Washington HebrewCongregation.
2010(20thof Kislev, 5771) Eighty-seven-year-old Irvin Kershner - who directed the StarWars sequel The Empire Strikes Back, the James Bond film Never Say Never Againand Robocop 2 – passed away today.
2010(20th of Kislev, 5752): Vilém Flusser a Czech-born Brazilian Jewishphilosopher, writer and journalist passed away.
2010: In Michigan, the Young Adult Division of Jewish Federation isscheduled to sponsor the sixth annual Latke Vodka donor thank you event.
2010: A rock was thrown through the back window of the Helene G. SimonHillel Center, which is located on campus, today. Earlier in the week, a rockwas thrown through the back window of the Chabad Jewish student center locatedjust outside the campus. Bloomington city police and campus police areinvestigating whether the attacks are related. Glass from the broken window ofthe Chabad house did damage to the building’s worship center, the group’spresident, Alex Groysman, told the Indiana Daily Student newspaper. “We believeit was an act of anti-Semitism because the window shattered was less than ayard away from a sign that says Jewish Student Center,” Groysman told thepaper. “After everything the center does to build understanding and friendlyrelations in the community, there are people out there that just want todestroy. By throwing that stone, that person was sending a message that they donot want us here, and that is something that is not OK.”Chabad plans to displaya 12-foot menorah for Chanukah, according to the report.
2011: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authorsand/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Something Urgent I Haveto Say to You: The Life and Works of William Carlos Williams” by HerbertLeibowitz
2011: Ministerial Committee on Legislation decided today not to back a bill that would limitpublic access to High Court petitions, sponsored by MKs Danny Danon and YarivLevin from the Likud.
2011: Prominent Israeli singer Margalit Tzan'ani pleaded guilty on today toextorting her manager,and is expected to be sentenced to several months ofcommunity service.
2011: The New York Times list of 100Notable Books of 2011 includes the following books by Jewish authors and/or ofspecial interest to Jewish readers: “The Free World” in which David Bezmozgisoverturns clichéd expectations of immigrant idealism in his first novel, whichfollows a Soviet Jewish family awaiting visas in Rome in 1978; “The Grief ofOthers” by Leah Hager Cohen; “Say HerName” by Francisco Goldman, “Scenes From Village Life” by Amos Oz; “TheBeginning of Infinity: Explanations That Transform the World” by Haifa-bornphysicist David Deutsch; “Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi and His Struggle WithIndia” by Joseph Lelyveld; “In The Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and anAmerican Family Hitler’s Berlin,” Erik Larson’s account of the experiences ofWilliam Dodd, F.D.R.’s first ambassador in Nazi Germany; “Jerusalem: TheBiography” by Simon Sebag Montefiore;“The Memory Chalet” by Tony Judt; “Midnight Rising: John Brown and the RaidThat Sparked the Civil War” by Tony Horwitz; “Pauline Kael: A Life in the Dark”by Brian Kellow; “The Quest: Energy, Security and the Remaking of the ModernWorld” by Jewish Pulitzer Prize winner Daniel Yergin; “The Swerve: How theWorld Became Modern” by Stephen Greenblatt; “Thinking, Fast and Slow” byIsraeli born Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman; “A Train Winter: An ExtraordinaryStory of Women, Friendship, and Resistance in Occupied France” by CarolineMoorehead
2011(1st of Kislev, 5772): Rosh ChodeshKislev
2012: In Rmallah, the tomb of Yasser Arafatis schedule to be opened as the first step in process intended to determine ifhe was poisoned.
2012: The YIVO Institute for Jewish Researchis scheduled to present a program that will examine ”the Rothschild Baba Kama,an ornate and richly decorated manuscript written in 1721-22 by Anshel MosesRothschild, the founder of the Rothschild dynasty.”
2012: The JCC of Northern Virginia isscheduled to present a program that will “explore how the image of a typicalIsraeli has been depicted in Israeli films from the 1960’s until today.
2012: In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, members of theJewish community are scheduled to meet to discuss ways to further the cause ofIsrael in the Hawkeye State.
2012: “The National Library of Israel signedcontract with Pri-Or to preserve its archive of more than one million images.
2012(13th of Kislev, 5773): Fifty-eight-year-oldFrench journalist Érik Izraelewicz “who was the director and editorialexecutive of Le Monde” passed away today.
2012(13th of Kislev, 5773): Ninety-five-year-old“Marvin Miller, an economist and labor leader who became one of the mostimportant figures in baseball history by building the major league playersunion into a force that revolutionized the game, died on Tuesday at his home inManhattan.” (As reported by Richard Goldstein)
2012: The Taub Center released its annualState of the Nation Report for 2011-2012 this morning, which according to theorganization, paints “a troubling picture of the way Israeli governments havethus far dealt with Israel’s primary socioeconomic problems.”
2013:In the evening, kindle the first Chanukah candle.
2013:Chabad of Talbiya is scheduled to host its third annual Chanukah MenorahLighting Festival at the entrance to the Mamilla Mall.
2013:The City of Tel Aviv-Jaffa incollaboration with Heritage Fund for Israel in Tel Aviv are scheduled to hosttwo candle lighting ceremonies – at Culture Square and Rabin Square.
2013:Former State Department official and ambassador Elliott Abrams argued in hisCouncil for Foreign Relations blog today that the language used by the WhiteHouse to discuss the Iran interim deal was largely “aspirational,” suggestingthat much of the touted P5+1 deal with Iran had yet to be hammered out, acontention that appeared to be born out the statements of State Departmentspokeswoman Jen Psaki.(As reported by Rebecca Shimoni Stoil)
2013:Five teenagers from the Arab neighborhood of Issawiya in East Jerusalem werebrought before the Jerusalem District Court today and charged with throwingMolotov cocktails at an IDF base in the capital. (As reported by Stuart Winer)
2013:The Israel Antiquities Authority and the Netivei Israel Company “invited thepublic to visit the excavation site Eshtaol” which “includes asix-millennia-old cultic temple and a 10,000 year old house” today.
InIsrael, a Push to Screen for Cancer Gene Leaves Many Conflicted”
2014:In England, the chaplains (rabbis) of the Oxford University Jewish Society arescheduled to host “a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner” at their home for whichthere is a minimal £3 charge.
2014: In Melbourne, “Night Will Fall” and“Above and Beyond” are scheduled to be shown at the Jewish InternationalFestival.
2014: In an address marking theanniversary of the death of David Ben-Gurion, former President Shimon Peres bitterlycriticized the “Jewish state” bill today, arguing that the legislation isdesigned for political gain and damages Israel’s democratic principles (Asreported by Marissa Newman)
2014: An IDF fired back at Palestiangunmen inside the Gaza Strip who had opened fire on an IDF patrol operating onthe Israeli side of the border fence. (As reported by Stuart Winer)
2014: “Members of a Hamas terror ring inthe West Bank, run from the organization’s headquarters in Turkey, sought tocarry out an array of major attacks, including on Jerusalem’s main soccerstadium and its light rail line, the Shin Bet security service said today.”
2014(5th of Kislev, 5775): Seventy-nine-year-oldParamount Pictures President, Frank Yablans, “who oversaw the release of “TheGodfather” and its first sequel and whose writing skills were responsible forbringing one of my favorite sports novels, North Dallas Forty, to thescreen passed away today. (As reported by Michael Cieply)
2014(5th of Kislev, 5775): Ninety-four-year-oldNewsweek editor and NBC television executive Lester Bernstein passed awaytoday.®ion=bottom-well&WT.nav=bottom-well&_r=0
2015: In Atlanta, the Breman Museum offersexhibitions on The Story of Jewish Atlanta, “featuring a collection of 18carefully selected objects, the Holocaust styled “Absence of Humanity” and forthe children “Where the Wild Things Are: Maurice Sendak In His Own Words &Pictures.”
2015: According to reports published todayIsraeli diplomate Rami Hatan is preparing to leave for Abu Dhabi where he willopen Israel’s first diplomatic mission to the Arab country which will be partof IRENA, the UN’s International Renewable Energy Agency.
2015:The Eden-Tamir Music Center is scheduled to host another concert in its“Excellence of the Future Generation Series.”
2015:Six months after premiering at Cannes and one week after having been releasedin the United States, “Carol” featuring Carrie Brownstein as “GenevieveCantrell” was released today in the United Kingdom.
2015(15thof Kislev): On the Jewish calendar, Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi (135 -ca. 220 CE), also known as Rabbi Judah the Prince.
2016(26thof Cheshvan, 5777): Ninety-three-year-old MIT professor Bruce Mazlish, theauthor of In Search of Nixon: A Psychological Inquiry, passed away today.
2016: Today “the Annual Report of the ExecutiveCouncil of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) on antisemitism in Australia, reported thatin the 12-month period ending 30 September 2016 there was a 10% increase inantisemitic incidents in Australia involving threats or acts of violence overthe previous year.”
2016:The New York Times features reviewsof books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readersincluding Where Memory Leads: My Life by Saul Friedländer, An IronWind: Europe Under Hitler by Peter Fritzsche, The Hostage’s Daughter: AStory of Family, Madness and the Middle East by Sulome Anderson and therecently release paperback edition of As Close To Us As Breathing byElizabeth Poliner as well as an interview with Amos Oz “whose most recent novelis Judas” and Calvin Trillin “on the Scariest Word” in the Englishlanguage.
2016:“Alone in Berlin” is scheduled to be shown in Canberra as part of the JewishInternational Film Festival.
2016:In Venice, the Biennale Architettura which has featured an Israeli pavilionsince 1952 is scheduled to come to an end today.
2017:Dr. Diane M. Sharon is scheduled to present the final session of “Demagogues,Madmen and Cowards: The Failure of Leaders in the Book of Judges”’
2017:Martin Kaufman is scheduled to present the final session of “Judaism’s Ethics Committee”in which he examines “the role of ethics in Judaism through the lens of threehighly influential thinkers whose work spans the 16th through 20th centuries:the Maharal of Prague, a towering theologian; Nachman of Breslov, a dynamicChasidic master; and Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik, perhaps the greatestphilosopher of Halacha of the Modern Era.”
2017:In the United Kingdom, the Chief Rabbi is scheduled to visit Oxford where hewill speak to a student only audience, followed by the meal sponsored by theOxford University Jewish Society and concluding with a session that is open tothe entire community.
2017:Jewish Book Month, an annual event that provides us with a chance tocontemplate Jewish books and the lives of authors such as Bernard Lewis whoseworks included “Semites and Anti-Semites” and “The Muslim Discoveryof Europe” continues today.
2018:Barbara Feller, a pillar of the Jewish community, is scheduled to read from hernew publication Road to Waubeek at the Marion Public Library.
2018:In keeping with the Jewish tradition of “lifetime learning,” Yaffe Kaye isscheduled to offer another class in “Beginning Hebrew.”
2018:After week, an International Jewish Festival for Contemporary Culture that hasfeatured such performers “Erez Lev-Ari and The Suits doing Ari San” isscheduled to come to an end today in Jerusalem
2018:As Americans are preparing to take part in Giving Tuesday, United SynagogueYouth has set up its fundraiser, #IAmUSY.
2018(19thof Kislev, 5779): Sixty-five-year-old Harold O. Levy, “son of Jewish refugeesfrom Germany” and the husband of Pat Sapinsley, who chancellor of New YorkCity’s public system from 2000 to 2002 passed away today. (As reported byRobert D. McFadden)
2018:In Cedar Rapids, IA, the History Center, as part of its “Oral Histories Live!”series, is scheduled to host an evening with “almost centenarian” HermanGinsberg whose family has been the jewelry business for almost one hundredwhile also being pillars of the Jewish community.
2018(19thof Kislev, 5779): On the Jewish calendar, “yahrtzeit of the Maggid of Mezrech(1710-1772), the successor of the Baal Shem Tov, who consolidated chassidicteachings into a structured, cohesive movement.” (As reported by
2018(19thof Kislev, 5779): Chasidim and “friends of Chasidim” celebrated “Yud-Tet Kislev– Rosh Hashanah of Chassidism that commemorates the release of Rabbi SchneurZalman of Liadi, the Alter Rebbe and founder of Chabad-Lubavitch from his 53 days of imprisonment “in thePeter-Paul fortress in St. Petersburg.”
2019:The Saatchi Synagogue in St. John’s Wood, London, is scheduled to host “aninternational panel awareness event on” “Mental Health in the Jewish Community:Facing the Challenge Together.”
2019:Israelis brace for another rocket barrage from Gaza and more demonstrationsheld in response to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s call for his supporters to taketo the streets.
2020:Temple Etz Chaim is scheduled to host online a “Virtual Erev Shabbat Service”
2020: In Philadelphia, The Museum Store of theNational Museum of American Jewish History for which Mitchell Levin is “anofficial content provider, is scheduled to be open today on Black Friday withcurbside pickup available.
2020:In Columbus, OH, Tifereth Israel is scheduled to host “Welcoming ShabbatMindfulness,” a virtual exploration of “meditation techniques from a Jewishperspective.”
2020:Suburban Temple-Kol Ami is scheduled to host a virtual Shabbat service withRabbi Allison Vann and Musical Director Deb Rogers.
2020:Kan Kol Hamusika is scheduled to broadcast “Songs of Love and Madness” withsoprano Daniela Skorka and harpsichordist David Shemer.
2020:As Israelis deal with winter storms, forecasters predict “local rain,especially along the coast” today.
2020:In the words of “crack office administrator” Carolyn Simon, Jews in CedarRapids can find relief from “Black Friday” by attending the virtual Fridaynight services at Temple Judah.
2021:The Eden Tamir Center is scheduled to host the Israel Haydn String Quartet asit plays “The Best of Chamber Music” featuring string quartets by Haydn, Mozartand Beethoven.
2021:The Joy of Shabbat is tempered by reports that “a new highly mutated COVID-19variant that was first detected in South Africa and has been raising concernsamong scientists has been identified in Israel” and “Prime Minister NaftaliBennett warnings that Israel may be facing a potential emergency as he met withhealth experts to discuss how best to respond to a new variant of thecoronavirus that has been detected inSouth Africa which he described as more contagious than the Delta strain.”(Based on reports by Attila Somfalvi and Adir Yanko)
2021(23rd of Kislev, 5782) Parshat Va-yayshev;
2022:Hebrew University is scheduled to host a “Digital Open Day.”
2022:The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or ofspecial interest to Jewish readers including Magic To Do: “Pippin”’sFantastic, Fraught Journey to Broadway and Beyond, by Elysa Gardner whichtells the story of the creation of “Pippin,” the musical with music and lyrics byStephen Schwartz” the New York bornson of Sheila Seigel and Stanley Schwartz.
2022: The UK online Jewish Film Festival isscheduled to come to an end today.
2022: The National Library of Israel isscheduled to host a lecture by Maksym Martyn,a Ukrainian historian from Lviv,on The “Khazarian Myth": The NationalIdentity of the Crimean Karaites which is part of the Ukrainian-Jewish Voicesseries
2022: DOCNYC “which bills itself as America’slargest documentary film” and has featured the screening of “Closed Circuit” Israelidocumentary that tracks the harrowing 2016 terror attack in Sarona Market inTel Aviv” is scheduled to come to a closed today.
2022: All decent people mourn the passing offifty-year-old Tadese Tashume Ben Ma’ada who was critically injured in anexplosion on November 23 at a bus stopat the main entrance to Jerusalem, one of two bombings that rattled the capitaland who succumbed to his wounds yesterday (Shabbat) leaving behind a wife andtwo children.
2023: The American Sephardi Federation isscheduled to present “Maimonides in Times of Crisis” with rabbis Marc Angel andYamin Levy.
2023: My Jewish Learning is scheduled to hostthe first in a four part class “on Talmudic storytelling with Jewish literatureprofessor Ruby Namdar.”
2023: The on-line UK Jewish Film Festival isscheduled to come to an end today.
2023: In New Orleans, the National Council ofJewish Women is scheduled to host its Executive Committee today.
2023: The Sir Martin Gilbert Learning Centre isscheduled to present a lecture by Rebekka Grossman on “Circulating Zion: GlobalPhotojournalism and the Making of a Jewish Nation.”
2023:As November 27 begins in Israel the four day truce that Hamas bought with ahandful of frightened children and aging citizens may be coming to an end whilethe rest of the Hamas held hostages begin day 52 incaptivity.
(Editor’snote: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are justproviding a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time)
2024:“The End of the Season of Love,” the first part of “Many Faces – Documentary Cinemaon Jewish and Israeli Identity” is scheduled to be held in Mishkan Raanana.
2024:In Metairie, LA Shir Chadash is scheduled “Women of Valor: Exploring BiblicalHeroines, ” “an enlightening journey through the lives of remarkablewomen in the Bible, led by Rabbi David Cohen-Henriquez.”
2024:“In a special online event in honor of the publication of Wars of passionsin the human psyche and in the soul of literary heroes, the author and psychoanalystProfessor Merav Roth is scheduled to “talk with Haim Be'er about writing, thehuman psyche and the psychology hidden behind great works.”
2024:Central Synagogue is scheduled to host “David Wander – Jewish Tales” thatshowcases the work of the “New York-based artist, known for his striking visualinterpretations of Jewish sacred texts and folktales in which he seamlesslyweaves a visual style equal parts Vincent van Gogh or James Ensor and Marvel orDC comics.”
2024:According to a televised address delivered on November 26, a cease-fire isscheduled to go into effect today 4 a.m. in Israel and Lebanon
2024:In Brighton, Duke’s at Komedia is scheduled to host “an evening of poignant andentertaining short films exploring British-Jewish life including OurNeighbour's Ass starring Maureen Lipman as the owner of a pet donkey whoterrorizes the residents of the cul-de-sac where it lives screening
2024:As November 27th begins in Israel,anunprecedented wave of anti-Semitism that has included Hamassupporters calling for Zionist passengers on a New York subway to raise theirhands, demonstrations at a high school production of “The Diary of Anne Frank”and the beating of a college student in Chicago sweeps the United States andthe Hamas held hostages begin day 418 in captivity while Israelis brace formore rocket attacks by Hezbollah, Iran and terrorists based inIraq(Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog tocover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israelitime)