1. Regular ghostly ink - The RuneScape Wiki
7 aug 2023 · Regular ghostly ink is an item that is used in some rituals by Necromancy. The ink is used to draw glyphs at the ritual site in the City of ...
Regular ghostly ink is an item that is used in some rituals by Necromancy. The ink is used to draw glyphs at the ritual site in the City of Um. It is made by crafting 20 lesser necroplasm with a vial of water and ashes in your backpack.
2. Making ghostly ink - The RuneScape Wiki
To create Ghostly ink, the player should create a preset with 260 of the corresponding necroplasm, 13 vials of water, and 13 ashes. Then load the preset, either ...
To create Ghostly ink, the player should create a preset with 260 of the corresponding necroplasm, 13 vials of water, and 13 ashes. Then load the preset, either click the Necroplasm in inventory or add it to an action bar and press the key for it to open the crafting interface, craft the ink, and repeat. It takes 1.2 seconds (2 ticks) to craft ink, so a full inventory takes 15.6 seconds. If the player spends 2.4 seconds (4 ticks) per inventory banking, this allows up to 2,600 ink to be made per hour, although Necroplasm has a buy limit of 50,000 every 4 hours and the currently volatile price of Necromancy items means that buying in advance carries significant risk.
3. Greater ghostly ink - RuneScape Item - RuneHQ
Made by combining 20 Greater necroplasm, 1 Vial of water, and 1 Ashes. 11 different glyphs can be created using Greater ghostly ink.
Greater ghostly ink is the 2nd highest tier ink.
4. Regular ghostly ink - Grand Exchange - RuneScape
Regular ghostly ink. A low-tier ink used to draw glyphs. Regular ghostly ink. Current Guide Price 10.5k. Today's Change 487 + 4%; 1 Month Change 2,024 + 24% ...
A low-tier ink used to draw glyphs.
5. Regular ghostly ink - RuneScape Item - RuneHQ
Made by combining 20 Lesser necroplasm, 1 Vial of water, and 1 Ashes. 13 different glyphs can be created using Regular ghostly ink.
Regular ghostly ink is the 2nd lowest tier ink.
6. Greater ghostly ink - Grand Exchange - RuneScape
Greater ghostly ink. A mid-tier ink used to draw glyphs. Greater ghostly ink. Current Guide Price 14.8k. Today's Change - 357 - 2%; 1 Month Change 3,440 + 30% ...
A mid-tier ink used to draw glyphs.
7. Powerful Ghostly Ink Street Price Check RuneScape - Ely.gg
Powerful Ghostly Ink RuneScape Price Checker and RS3 Street Price Database. Find RuneScape's Powerful Ghostly Ink street price and flipping margins of ...
Powerful Ghostly Ink RuneScape Price Checker and RS3 Street Price Database. Find RuneScape's Powerful Ghostly Ink street price and flipping margins of Powerful Ghostly Ink .
8. Powerful ghostly ink - Grand Exchange - RuneScape
A high-tier ink used to draw glyphs. Powerful ghostly ink. Current Guide Price 16.1k. Today's Change - 80 + 0% ...
A high-tier ink used to draw glyphs.