Public Access > Property Detail (2024)

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"; paramsXML += BuildPointAndPayBillXML(taxYear, quickRefID, ownerName, amount); paramsXML += "

"; var queryString = encodeURI("" + "/cart?paramXML=" + paramsXML); var form = $('

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"; bill += "" + "" + ""; bill += "" + quickRefID + ""; bill += "" + (amount * 100).toFixed(0) + ""; bill += "" + (amount * 1).toFixed(2) + ""; bill += "" + taxYear + ""; bill += "" + ownerName + ""; bill += "
" + "2807 TRENTON AVE, LUBBOCK, TX 79407".replace(/[<]br[^>]*[>]/gi, "") + "
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Lubbock Central Appraisal District

PropertyOwnerProperty AddressTax Year2024 Market Value





Details Ag Rollback

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Property Status Active
Property Type Residential Vacant Land
Legal Description UPLAND CROSSING L 1155
Neighborhood 0713AUC - Res. Upland Crossing
Account R882920-00000-11550-000
Map Number 122
Effective Acres -
Owner ID
Percent Ownership 100%
Mailing Address 6305 82ND ST LUBBOCK, TX 79424-3681
Agent -


Improvement Homesite Value$0
Improvement Non-Homesite Value$0
Total Improvement Market Value$0

Land Homesite Value$0
Land Non-Homesite Value$45,000
Land Agricultural Market Value$0
Land Timber Market Value$0
Total Land Market Value$45,000
Total Market Value$45,000
Total Improvement Market Value$0
Land Homesite Value$0
Land Non-Homesite Value$45,000
Agricultural Use$0
Timber Use$0
Total Appraised Value$45,000
Homestead Cap Loss

Homestead cap loss in Texas is a tax break given to homestead owners on taxes due on their property. The cap is calculated by limiting the tax value to a maximum of 10% of the previous year’s assessed property value, plus any improvements made to the homestead. The cap is subject to conditions.

Circuit Breaker Limit Cap Loss

Circuit breaker limit cap loss is similar to homestead cap loss but applies to real property other than residence homestead. The cap is calculated by limiting the tax value to a maximum of 20% of the previous year's assessed property value, plus any improvements made to the property. The cap is subject to conditions.

Total Assessed Value$45,000
CLB- City Of Lubbock-$45,0000
GLB- Lubbock County-$45,0000
HSP- Lubb Cnty Hospital-$45,0000
PUC3- PID-Upland Crossing 3-$45,0000
SFR- Frenship ISD-$45,0000
WHP- Hi Plains Water-$45,0000
1 - ResidentialC1 - Real Property: Vacant Lots and TractsNo$45,000$0$05,588 Sq. ft
TOTALS 5,588 Sq. ft / 0.128283 acres

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Legal information for eStatement Sign-Up
This agreement is to provide for electronic delivery of tax bills pursuant to Tax Code 31.01. This agreement remains in effect for all subsequent tax bills pursuant to Tax Code 31.01 until the earlier of the following: (1) You are no longer entitled to receive a tax bill for this property (i.e. the property is sold or a change in ownership occurs): or (2) a written request to terminate electronic delivery of tax bills is submitted by an authorized individual to the Tax Assessor/Collector. Notice: Failure to send or receive a tax bill required by this section, including any tax bill to be delivered by electronic means, does not affect the validity of the tax, penalty or interest, the due date, the existence of a tax lien or any procedure instituted to collect a tax.
By clicking Submit, you are agreeing to these terms, you certify that you are the individual or entity authorized to receive a tax bill for this property. If, by agreeing to these terms, you make a false statement, you could be found guilty of a Class A misdemeanor or a state jail felony under Section 37.10, Penal Code Due to the nature of electronic mail, junk mail trapping software and spam email software, we cannot guarantee that this confirmation email will reach the submitted email address.
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Public Access > Property Detail (2024)


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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.