Evansville Courier and Press from Evansville, Indiana (2024)

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Evansville Courier and Pressi

Evansville, Indiana

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-r 1 1 -v1 1 i i fxIE EVANSVILLE WEDNESDAY JUNE 17 1925 Pl 3-1 Jnlomer ocKeroers 9 irMUle EMU SCORE WIN in FULTON PITCHES WELL AFTER FIRST INNING -'ALLOWING FIVE HITS One of These Days Maybe: Timncy vs Dempsey By McGurk Standing of Clubs' Man Defeats' vnanaxsAX magus ll Won Lost Philadelphia II Washington IS Chicago 17 Cleveland 10 St Louis II New York II Detroit 14 Boa Ida 21 Pet 117 141 110 411 471 III 411 III San Franoieco Wheatley but Indiana Star Loses EASTBOURNE England June 1A Grist Britain and Amer-each scored a victory In tha Collins Has Local Sluggers Out of His Fast Double Plays Aids Tots to Win Contest TERRE HAUTE June 1 (Special) Driving out a home run In the inninB after two were goner and with two runnera renting on the (Tint inning awr hfro t0(llly to 1 victory of the Terre Following thla wicked smash which dob over Hip Pofkctfs singles matches thla afternoon siiutfl tfnred the right field wnll almost on the line Fulton nettled down and isrled excellent ball for the rocketeer hi which opened the theo days' ploy XATlOHAXi LBAGUB Won Lost Now York II SO Pittsburgh II II Cincinnati 21 24 Brooklyn 19 25 Bt Louis II Chicago Philadelphia II 11 Boston 21 II a Pet 121 120 147 117 471 441 404 111 IMIIII ivoa i a a 0 i a 1 18 1 a a 0 10 i a 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 iMfu Xughos fe OlUeepU If Kuhn lb Clayton of Conley rf Martin an ihaadllag a Patton flMBltl Bobtason a a a a ww-dO A proof of lhl fact three of the blow came off hla ata first and an Infield hit hr Rolloch ir in the third nnd mab Ay Dou'iae In the fifth were all that Hie To eouid r-it'-ic' tf him th kfBilanj Home lentil he 4 pinch hitter Barmbe in the ilfhth Colllne on the mound Haute had the rocketeers eat-byr out of hln hand until the fourth Mini when two hlowe were gath--4 la thin frame however he Muck out two men to get out of rootle tlmself while on other occa-Iom fast work of the Infield back kin provid a big aid AHXBSGAX AMOCXATXOX Won Lost PeL Loulsvllla 17 11 III 8t Paul 11 Indlanapolla 11 Kansas City II T0l8dO a a a a a a a a a a SI Minneapolis 17 Milwaukee II Columbus 14 114 ill 100 iii 430 411 411 Totals 38 1 a 84 IS Battad for Fulton In eighth UIIHAI Terra 8b 8b 0 a 1 i i i is a 0 1 WnoatUng Hollocher Wyatt cf Hueur If Clanton lb lilbUi II a a a XWftBg if Dllfflllli 0 a a a a a CoUlBSf Results LBAGUH 1 Qulmey 3 XTAXBVX AXBVXLLB li XAUTH Springfield '3 Peoria 1 Doostor Dan villa wet gtouda Totals Evansville Tam Xante Home Clanton Stolen base aougisaa Bouble plays -Martin to Hnghea to Xuhn Xnbn to Hagbaa Hollocher to Clanton to Douglass Colllna to Urban to Olan-toa Whittling to Olanton left on Bvanivllle 8 Terre 1 Baaaa on balls Off Colllna a off Hoblnao 1 Btruok Hy Collins 8 by Fulton 1 Xits Off 87 8 a 87 13 0 uyiggjgg pi saw iHwa between tennis teams raprosonttnt tho' two coun tries Ray Casey of San Pranclaco crushed Whsgt lay former British Davla cup player in tha first match I-A 1-1 rising yotmg star John MenneMy of Indlanapolla won off bla game and foil a victim to th toady ahots from the racquet of another former British Davla cup competitor Gilbert Who wop 1-8 l-l T-A Zmprtaeoa Oxttiao cannon ball service and the fast pace of hla pipy greatly Impressed the tennis critics who cams down to tho channel retort to watch the young American pair make their bow preliminary to entering the quest for greater laurela at Wimbledon nut week Although unaccustomed to the grass court upon which the matches wars played today Casey quickly accustomed himself to the pace and pitch of the greens Hla only fault of any Infrequency was an Incline-' tion to overestimate the bound of the ball but ha eouid have afforded the luxury of many other faults and atlll haVa beaten Wheatley whq was no match for him After Casey's fins start tha showing' ofv hla companion Henneaay was a disappointment until near tha vary end of hla match when It waa too lata to avert defeat It waa than ha rose to hla true 'gams and temporarily drove his conqueror back with a string of five fast onesided gamea ChuaeFlgbt When within one gams of dropping the last aat 1-0 Henneaay aud-donly cut loose with dealing display of low fast driving that rendered Gilbert helpless for a few mlnntcs The American losing only five points in as many gamA pulled tha aat up from five live to douce The crowd guvs him a geqeroua cheer for hlu flue fight The next two gamea both wont to douce They wore hard fought but Gilbert the steadier of the two managed to win both 'of them aud the match AMBBtOAX LBAGUH Detroit I Now York A Cleveland 7 Philadelphia 12 Chicago 1 Boston A Washington I St Louis 0 Tart Infield Work Three tlmea when the rocketeers threstened fast double plays pre-ijttsted further dinger and It was ijot the eighth that three blows 1 era made to count for one run It mite of the heavy field the work of loth infields was hillliant with plenty of clever stops featuring The Pocketeers threatened In the Brit Inning when Fat Reagan drew i walk and went to third on a wild pitch Urban threw out Hughea at Brit while holding Reagan at third ud Gillespie grounded lo Hollocher vho caught the runner at first and Clanton's throw in turn nipped Reagan trying to score on the play Wueatllng and Hollocher were eaiy outa In the last of the first but Wyatt singled paet second and moved to aecond on Mlxeur'a blow to the mm territory Clanton then cleared the bases with a line drive Into the right field standa a blow that would hive been good for at least three taaea In any park Tough Xnok In the fifth Martin and Shandllng tingled In eucceaalon but Fulton hit Into a fast double play Colllna to Urban to Clanton to help the Tots out of trouble In the eighth 8 handling led off with a blow through WALTER JOHNSON HURLS Fulton 5 in 7 innings XATXOMAL LBAGUH Boston 7 Chicago 4 Pittsburgh 11 New York 1L Brooklyn I Cincinnati A Fulton Wild pitch -C fti Doyle and Horan Tima 140 Bt Louis I Philadelphia A SENATORS TO' SHUTOUT AKXXXOAX XBBOCKAAOXv Kansas City 2 Toledo 0 Paul-Indf 8t ul-I: rain 2 Columbus 4 10 Minnaapolli A Mllwau Loulav ukei 'in PHOBIA 18 SPXXXGKBLD 11 PEORIA 111 June (A Peoria took the aecond straight game from Springfield here today 13 to 11 The Tractors rallied in the Ith to tie the score counting four runs on five hits and winning out In the tenth Score: ATIOXAL LBAQUB WASXXXQTOX 3 IT LOUIS 0 WASHINGTON June (A P) Walter Johnson In prims form Washington shut out tha Bt Louis Browns In tha second gams of tha aeries today 1 to 0 It was tenth victory of tha season Score: Toronto I Jersey City 2 Buffalo 10 Providence A Syracuse 7 Baltimore A Rochester I Reading A FXILADHLPXXA 18) CLBTBLAXD 7 PHILADELPHIA June Scoring lo runs In tha first two innings off ghauts Philadelphia had little trouble In downing Cleveland II to 7 today Grovas was wild but burled a strong gams until tha eighth whin tha Indiana got tej hint and drove him from the box' 8cor: If Leo rf Speaker cf Springfield- Horn cf Koval 3b Sweeny lb Urban and went to third when PO Games AB TO A 6 1110 0 1 1 4 10 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 0 Kueneah rf Stewart If Bogaea lb Chatham Vlgeruat Goeckel Regenold Walker HYH LBAGUB AB I I 4 4 I 4 4 I a St Louis Robertson lb Rice rf Staler lb Williams If McManus lb -Jacobaon'rf Lamotte as Dixon Oiard Bennett tTobin BVAXBVILLX Qalnoy nt 1 gpringfleld at FOorla Deoatmr at Danville Beweil Sowell Spurgeon lb Klugman lb Lutxker lb Fewater lb McNulty 47 2A2t 1 AB 1M 6001 Theft of $2 Brings Five Year Sentence Barnebe hitting for Fulton singled lo right field Reagan singled to right scoring Shandllng but Lewan caught Barnmbe at third The play ns dole with Dunn protesting loud and long but to no avail Hughea popped out to Douglas and Hollocher tossed out Gillespie In the ninth Kuhn beat out an In field hit to Clanton and Clayton dropped a single into left field Conley hit a hot liner down tha third base line that looked good but Wueatllng dived at the hall and came rp with it tagging third to force Kuhn and getting Cm ley a first It a brilliant play and saved the ball game aa Martin grounded out to Urban Prepare for Stale Golf Tournament a a a played over the comae of the Audubon Country club hero June 21-27 More than 300 players are expected to seek the title now held by John Marshall Jr of Louisville making id the field yia largest In history Totala 1 4 is 8haute p' XATXOHAL LBAGUB Brooklyn at Pittsburgh New York at Cincinnati Philadelphia at Chicago aaaaaaaa 13 0 I 24 11 Batted for Dixon In ninth tBatted for Glard in ninth AB PO Totals Duffy cf Speraw lb McGee lb Layne If Platta rf Nelson aa Kuhrman Wera lb Farquahr Goodbred Williams a atiaiiia Edwards tUhls Roy 0008000 A fi 4 fi 1 1 1 LBAAVX HOPKINSVILLE: Ky June Tappet waa nan- tended In circuit court hero today to flvo years In' the penitentiary for robbing Henry Haddock of 12 Tap-pan nad previously served live years la tbs penitentiary for manslaughter on a conviction in Fayette county LOUISVILLE Ky Juke ll-MBy A P) Golfers carrying championship aspirations under their hats today began the final wlek of preparation -for the fifteenth7 annual Kentucky atata golf tournament to bo Simultaneously the women golfers of tha state will he holding their annual tournament at Twin- Oaks club Covington lira Mason Louisville Is tha preMnt champion Chicago at Boston Bt Louis nt Washington Detroit at New York a a a a a a a Cleveland at Philadelphia II Totals Batted for Fewater in ninth tBatted for Edwards lit eighth AB PO A Bishop lb I 2 2 1 Hale lb I Lamar If Simmons cf I Welch rf 2 Perkins 1 Poole lb fi Galloway aa I Groves 2 Rommel 0 ITSW Totals 41 II II 10 12 -On out whan winning run made Springfield 001 130 E30 ll Peoria 010 111 140 Two baas hits Sweeny 3 Bogans 3 Stewart Vlgeruat Layne Williams McGee Puhrman hom*o McGee Double ulay Platte to McGee McGee (unassisted) Base on baljs Walker I Farquahr 3 Good-bred I- Btruck By Farquahr 1 Goodbred 1 Williams 1 Goeckel Walker 1 Hit by By Goeckel (Platte McGee) by Farquahr (Boggeaa) Wild Farquahr: William I Winning pitch--Williams Losing Walk- Totala II 1 17 14 0 Two base hits Rice Johnson Stolen baaea Robertson Rica Sacriilcea Bluege Ruel Double playa Bluega to Harris to Judge: Perklnpaugh to 8 Harris to Judge Left nn St Louis 10: Washington 12 Baaea on balls Off Glard I Johnson 2 Struck By Glard Johnson 7 Cleveland 110 000 040 7 41 to 001 12 Philadelphia ISKItJ BMI5 MAIN ST CUANSVILLLWa' er Harmon and Green Time 2:10 off Goeckel 14 71-S Retenold I In none 0 In Goodbred 0 In 1 4 DBTBOXT fi BBW YOBX NEW YORK June Loom playing by th Yankees enabled Detroit to win to I Babe Ruth hit hia third home run of the year and also got a double Score: Two base hlts-Jamleeon Lamar (2) Blmmona Bishop Speaker Three base Welch Klugman Home run Hale Stolen bases Lamar Slmmona Perkins Double plays Bishop to Galloway to Poole Lee to Fewater Sewell to Klugmen to Knodo Loft on base Cleveland 10 Philadelphia A Bate on Off 8haute 4 Edwards I Roy I Groves I Struek By Edwards I by Grove 2 by Rommel 2 Off Bhauta 8 In 1 Inning off Edwards I In I off Roy 0 In 1 Inning off Grovaa 10 In 74fc: off Rommel 1 In 14 Winning Grovte Losing pitcher Bhauta PO 1 7 1 0 AB 4 4 I 1 Haney lb O'Rourke 2b Fntherglll If W'lngo If Ten-Man Tournament Ends 23-6 for Evansville Low Score Is 81 A team of 10 Evansville golfers attested a 10-man Vlncennea team by a acorn of SI-1 at tha Country dub courss hern yesterday afternoon The visiting taam was originally scheduled to constat of II men but swing lo a trass of bualneaa six of these wera hindered from taking part la tha match A Bell Evansville turned In the low card for tha meet with a score of II against the II made by Field low man for the visitors QUXHOT 3 BLOOX1HOTOH 1 BLOOMINGTON 111 Juns 1 By A Toomey waa able to keep the hits scattered while Quincy bunched three In the second and won from Bloomington today Ruth teams put up a brilliant fielding game fast work behind the pltchera cutting off many runa Score Quincy AE Schlnakl cf 1 Mee 2b 4 Willies If 4 Manger lb Boo 4 Suhr lb 4 Wingfield rf 4 Oeachler aa I Toomey 1 BOBTOX-tl OXZOAGO 1 BOSTON Juna (By A Robertson and Ehmke hooked up In a battle which the Red Box won from Chicago I to 1 today only after the wind had played a daolded part In the game In the fifth In ning as error hr Davie plated a man on the bags and Flagatead'a fly waa carried away from the fielders by the wind and dropped safety (or two winning hues scoring tho Score: PO 0 0 27 14 PO A 1 I 1 2 2 5 4 1 0 1 1 2 0 1 i 1 Totals 30 1 AB Blenk ron cf 4 0 McCullough lb 4 8charfer If 4 K'rhy lh Woodworth 2b 4 Kalllna rf Coltrln si Harkins 4 Ltt 2 Several scores of SI for the 11 holes vne made by local players Individual EvanavlUa scores were: Dave Ingle IE Vr Acre 13 A Bell 01 Gilbert Kargea 11 Frank Behwegman IS New nan 01 a Ferguaon 87 KrNealy 11 and A Schlundt II Vlncennea players participating In Ik tournament were: Clark Hayden Itiitler Field Bayard McFarland Griffith and Fhllllppl EvanavlUa will play a return match with Vlncennea at Vlncennea In about throe week at which time full 11-men teams are slated to go ever the course according to Alex Ritchie Country club professional Men this la the biggest 7 sine tha lammOr will bring yon Lots of medium sad smaller nisei with a iprinkling of the larger siaei A real hot weather treat for yonr pnne AB 4 0 4 4 3 2 4 1 1 I Mootll cf Grabowskl 0 Davla as Colllna 2b Bhealy lb Talk if Hooper rf Kimm lb Crouse Harris cf 1 Robertson a a Batted for Wanninger In Ith Mtan for Bengough In Ith Totals Quincy Bloomington Two base lough Mee Three Home Kalllna 13 1 I 27 1( 020 001 6nQ no ooo 1 Coltrln McCul-bast Suhr Double (Batted for Pennock in Ith tBatted tor Hoyt In Ith Detroit 000 102 New York 002 100 000- Two bane hits Ruth' Hellmann Hon 10 1 I 24 I 1 Totals Toomey to Bool to Ruhr Left Wl MCI PO till OTHER SUER SUITS Up to $T5aSd OR 1 'HI IVUlEll BMIWU unovo 'Hlonmiogton Quincy 4 BarRuli Ward Fennock Ruth Stolen baaei biaei on 4 Toomey 2 Ireland in'sVhaffer? Btruck Plrei Time 1:13 Flagataad cf Esxell lb Boone rf 4 Cerlyle If 4 Todt lb 1 mi im 2 Wamby 2b 4 Lee aa Plclnlch I Ehmke 8 AB 1 0 11 I I 0 I 1 2 0 0 Kothergill Double Hay Bengough to Shanks Haney to l'ourka to Blue I Left on York 7 Detroit A Basea on balls Ciff Pennock I Hoyt 1 Whltehlll Struck By Whltehlll 4 Hoyt Off Pennock I In I Innings off Hoyt 2 In I Innings Hit by Loiing pitcher Pennock Totals aoaaaaasoo 21 2 I 17 11 018 446 101 010 2 Flagataad Sacrl Chicago Boston EAGLES PlAY ME Two base Hooper Eszcl) Double play Todt to Lee to Todt Lee to Warn SATISFACTION GUARANTEED of to Fight For Vet Bureau Actios to retain the local bureau waa taken ai th mMtlng of tha Veferan'a of Foreign Wr held laat night at the A Resolutions war drawn up et the meeting setting forth various reason why the local bureau should not be moved to Indianapolis aa ha been planned Tha resolutions in presented to the state department of the Indians Veteran of Foreign Ware by Bea Burn who waa chosen delegate to tho State convention of by to TodL Left on Chlcegn 0 Beaton 7 Base on balls Off Robertson 2: off Ehmke I Btruek By Robertson I by Ehmke 2 tolngr cheaper garters yw can save money ly Inyrai Technical Knockout RAISER SUNDAY BUCKSKIN sorer Mila 1 anything without its guarantee of aatisf action- And wo are backing np these suita at $350 Tan win find them wall tailored of genuine Palm Beach and a good grade of tropical wonted Drop in and aoo our big lino of summer weight suite Each one a value that will iavo yon money Always waleotte at the Bnckakln the organisation at Elkhart thi week A resolution on th death of John Daniels lata 1 seder of tho local Vet' erana of Forelgv Wars waa drawn up at the meeting IND1ANPOL18 June (A Rlako Cleveland heavy weight scored a technical knockout over Andy Carr of Toledo In tha aev-enth of their aaheduled 10 round bout at Fort' Harrison nr hero today After Carr went down twice for tht count of nine In the sixth round the referee stopped tho fight to him from further punishment In a tame aeipl-flnal bout Jack Dairy of Toledo and Bplder Lewis of Fort Thomas Ky fought eight rounds to a draw Ripple Wilson of Indlanapolla beat Eddie Smith of Indianapolis In alx rounds Kid Chlaaell beet Kid Bui-ljvan of Indlanapolla la four rounds The Evinjvii Eagle baseball am Fiy the curtain relief of rbn'o baseball season there next Sunday it waa announced yet- A 'rm session la expected A big bree hand will entice the rooter to the Mt Vernon-ball fct o'clock Fan at Mt Vernon who are somewhat acquainted with tha marita of both teams say the fracas will worth watching Kasha will make their journey to Mt Veritn by automobile and expect to diag along a good nixed fob-lowing cf their own rah rah men Wins Golf Tourney OUR WINDOWS GARTERS METAL CAN TOUCH YOU 25c to $1 i7 c) MADISONV1LLE Ky June Roy A Wilson woa the flret golf tournament sf the atMon on the Country club course when he defected Wffct Towell three up 'd I' A tT.

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Evansville Courier and Press from Evansville, Indiana (2024)


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The Evansville Courier & Press is a daily newspaper based in Evansville, Indiana. It serves about 30,000 daily and 50,000 Sunday readers.

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Evansville Courier & Press, 300 E Walnut St, Evansville, IN - MapQuest.

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You can reach the center at 586-826-7000, 800-395-3300, by emailing cserv@dnps.com, or via Twitter at @freep. The center will take calls on Sundays from 7 a.m. until noon; Monday-Wednesday from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.; and Thursday and Friday from 6 a.m. until 5 p.m. It is closed on Saturdays.

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On April 1, 2016, Gannett purchased the Journal Media Group and the Evansville Courier & Press became a part of the USA Today Network.

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The Indianapolis Star (also known as IndyStar) is a morning daily newspaper that began publishing on June 6, 1903, in Indianapolis, Indiana, United States. It has been the only major daily paper in the city since 1999, when the Indianapolis News ceased publication.

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Gannett in 2016 became owner of the Courier & Press and Gleaner, which both joined the USA Today Network. The printing press at the Courier & Press' longtime office at 300 E. Walnut St. closed in March 2017, and printing of the local newspapers moved to the Gannett-owned Courier Journal in Louisville, Kentucky.

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Washington, D.C. Good Information Inc. Courier's founder is Tara McGowan, who has a journalism background as a producer on 60 Minutes and also used to work for the Obama campaign and for the SuperPAC Priorities USA Action. Courier is owned by Good Information Inc.

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The Courier (known as The Courier & Advertiser between 1926 and 2012) is a newspaper published by DC Thomson in Dundee, Scotland.

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The Courier-Mail is an Australian newspaper published in Brisbane. Owned by News Corp Australia, it is published daily from Monday to Saturday in tabloid format. Its editorial offices are located at Bowen Hills, in Brisbane's inner northern suburbs, and it is printed at Yandina on the Sunshine Coast.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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