Adaptive Intimacy Products For People With Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) - The (2024)

You can agree that intimacy is a lifelong process that can be rewarding and offer lots of lifes experiences and learning opportunities. But that’s not the case with a disabled person since they often experience difficulties in social relationships or sexual experiences.

Think about it: Sustaining healthy intimate bonds with others is one of the most fulfilling endeavors we can encounter to fulfill our life satisfaction. However, disabilities affect mobility and many cerebral aspects. Yet, we cannot rule out the need for affection.

In this post, The Access Store will focus on the intimate experiences of people with disabilities due to a spinal cord injury in pursuing intimate relationships, intimate activities considered most crucial for people with physical disabilities, challenges on the same, and some of the mobility products used to enhance intimacy.

Understanding the challenges of intimacy among people with disability due to Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

People with disabilities due to spinal cord injuries understand love and the need for intimacy just as those without disability do. However, many barriers hinder intimacy in such a case.

If it’s not communication issues, it is the motivation to carry on with it or the confidence among partners. It could also be a lack of access to sexual health and education. And let’s not forget the notion that the challenges in intimacy are unsolvable for people after spinal cord injury.

It’s important to discuss the social, physical, and psychological challenges of intimacy when someone faces a spinal cord injury.

Societal and environmental barriers

Since intimacy involves dating and social interactions, there are several challenges people with disabilities experience with the same.

One is the lack of accessibility in many places. Some stores, office spaces, restaurants, and transport systems might not be friendly for wheelchairs or other mobility aids. This makes it challenging for people with disabilities to go out on dates or just hang out. Likewise, some houses are inaccessible, creating a distance between partners.

Social stigma and stereotyping have become a significant challenge, too. People with limited mobility experience negative attitudes about disability and sexuality, making them feel inferior when they want to engage in intimacy. Culture and society generalize people with disability as asexual, hence spreading the stigma.

Also, a lack of awareness for people with spinal cord injuries can result in discomfort in the community when interacting with people with disabilities. Some people don’t understand certain disabilities or how they will affect intimacy. Understanding and learning about different disabilities can help reduce societal stigma and barriers.

Physical and medical challenges

Sexual activities can be affected by physical and medical well-being caused by some of the disabilities. For example, chronic pain or fatigue may adversely affect the ability to be physically intimate with your spouse.

As someone with a disability, it is essential to be frank with your partner and let them know your limitations. There are always other forms of intimacy that are equally beneficial, like affectionate touching or spending time together.

Some disabilities due to a spinal cord injury may have increased sensitivity to touch, sound, or even light. This can overwhelm intimacy because the other senses are being stimulated frequently. Instead of only sexual intercourse, one could try a gentle massage or touching other parts to prevent the experience from being unpleasant.

In addition, physical or emotional barriers during intimacy can be a tussle for those using a wheelchair, catheter, or any other aiding equipment. Fortunately, assistive devices can be experimented with for comfort in intimacy. The most important thing is to understand that both parties have to be patient and adaptable enough to find good solutions.

Emotional and psychological challenges

Emotional and psychological aspects also determine intimacy. Psychological disorders like depression or anxiety influence the sexual drive and motivation of having intimate relationships.

Another challenge is low self-esteem and constant preoccupation with one’s body, especially for those with physical disabilities or chronic illnesses that alter their physical appearance and/or function. Admitting one’s feelings and being comfortable with one’s body image during intimacy is crucial for self-esteem and feeling beautiful about it.

Adaptive intimacy mobility products

Intimacy products are improving with time, and it has been a game changer in people’s intimate lives. They are not just ordinary tools; they are built explicitly for intimacy and disability purposes.

Those who have employed these devices claim them to be revolutionary. It made them understand how they feel towards their partners, and that makes quite significant progress in the community of people with disabilities. It is not just about producing; it’s about improving.

In that case, here are some of the sex aids for someone who has sustained a spinal cord injury.


This is a gliding chair designed explicitly for couples with a disability to have freedom of movement. It is more of a wing chair that makes movement more natural. Its comfort and stability allow it to achieve more sexual positions for all effects of disabilities. It has massage oils and lubricants to make intimacy more comfortable and fun.

Some of the essential features include:

  • It’s easy to use and can be stored discreetly.
  • Stable on carpet and hard flooring for its non-skid leg.
  • Includes positioning strap to increase momentum.

Ferticare 2.0

People who have suffered a spinal cord injury should still have an active and healthy sex life. Ferticare 2.0 was created to facilitate ejaculation and the treatment of male infertility.

The Ferticare 2.0 is a medical vibrator with adjustable knobs to change the speed and amplitude settings. It is the most powerful and effective penile vibrator ever built.

The Access Store can help

Are you a person with a spinal cord injury? Intimacy should not fade. The team at The Access Store understands first-hand how intimacy is a beautiful phase in life. That’s why they offer products that make the process effortless and worry-free.

You and your partner should experience new opportunities for sensual experiences that were previously impossible with a careful selection of devices, The Access Store hopes partners can discover and celebrate themselves by overcoming physical barriers to satisfying sexual relations.

Selecting the proper sexual aid is a critical aspect of enhancing intimate experiences for both of you. That’s why you are encouraged to let a sexual aid specialist guide you in the process. Whether it is a well-fitted chair or a sexual-enhancing device, they are explicitly designed to help you reclaim intimacy in your union. Call The Access Store today and start living.

Adaptive Intimacy Products For People With Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) - The (2024)


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